Rare Book Monthly Reviews - March - 2019 Issue

Maps of America, Salt Lake City, the Battle of Gettysburg, and Arabia from Neatline Antique Maps

Maps of America, Salt Lake City, the Battle of Gettysburg, and Arabia from Neatline Antique Maps

Neatline Antique Maps of San Francisco has issued their Spring Catalogue 2019. It is divided into two parts. The first is called An Expanding Nation: Five Exceptional 19th Century Maps of the United States. These are maps that show the nation expanding, first in the East, then the West. They are either full U. S. maps or cover half of the country, east or west. The second part offers three separate collections. One is focused on 19th century Salt Lake City, the next on the Battle of Gettysburg, and the third on maps of Arabia. Here is a little more detail.
Among the U. S. maps is A...

Valuable and Unusual Books, Autographs, Music and Photographs from Librairie Métamorphoses

Valuable and Unusual Books, Autographs, Music and Photographs from Librairie Métamorphoses

Librairie Métamorphoses has released a catalogue of Livres Précieux ou Curieux, Autographes, Musique & Photographies (valuable and unusual books, autographs, music and photog...

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Artistic Books and Paper from Marilyn Braiterman Rare Books

Artistic Books and Paper from Marilyn Braiterman Rare Books

Marilyn Braiterman Rare Books has issued their Catalogue 36. There is no descriptive title and material varies. We would guess that it contains material the bookseller finds appealing, and understa...

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Antiquarian to Modern Books and Manuscripts from Phillip J. Pirages

Antiquarian to Modern Books and Manuscripts from Phillip J. Pirages

Phillip J. Pirages Fine Books and Manuscripts has released the latest of their spectacular catalogues, Catalogue 74: Manuscript Material, Incunabula, and Books Printed from 1501 to Present, Includi...

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Present Perfect from Shapero Rare Books

Present Perfect from Shapero Rare Books

We have received a recent catalogue from Shapero Rare Books entitled Present Perfect. While not quite sure of the title's meaning, I suspect it may have originally been published during the holiday...

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Lives from the Past Rediscovered by Langdon Manor Books

Lives from the Past Rediscovered by Langdon Manor Books

Langdon Manor Books, purveyor of "the extraordinary history of the every day," has issued their Catalog 7. The material they offer, often archives, come from "ordinary" people, but no one is ordina...

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Eighty Great Works from Raptis Rare Books

Eighty Great Works from Raptis Rare Books

Raptis Rare Books has published a catalogue Presenting 80 Great Works. They have broken the selections down to seven categories, Opening Selections, History & World Leaders, Americana, Scientif...

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Western Americana from the William Reese Co.

Western Americana from the William Reese Co.

The William Reese Company has published a new catalogue of Western Americana. While a few entries date to slightly before or after, most items arise from the 19th century. At its beginning, the Ame...

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Salmon Fishing from L & T Respess Books

Salmon Fishing from L & T Respess Books

L & T Respess Books has issued their List 317, this one titled Salmon Fishing. No miscellany here. That is about as specific as it gets. This catalogue may not appeal to the average collector, ...

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Ernst Haeckel from Antquariat Kainbacher

Ernst Haeckel from Antquariat Kainbacher

"Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny." You probably remember that statement from high school biology, but no longer have any idea what it means. That's okay. The theory is no longer believed anyway. I...

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    Sotheby’s: Henri Matisse | Jazz, Paris 1947, the complete portfolio. Sold: 312,000 EUR
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    Il Ponte, Feb. 25-26: [CANALETTO] - VISENTINI, Antonio (1688-1782) da Giovanni Antonio CANAL (1697-1768, detto 'Il Canaletto') - Urbis Venetiarum prospectus celebriores. Venezia: Giovanni Battista Pasquale, 1742-51. €7.000-€10.000
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