Rare Book Monthly

Book Catalogue Reviews - December - 2009 Issue

American Paintings and Manuscript Documents from Questroyal Fine Art

Alaskan artist Sydney Mortimer Laurence's Northern Lights.

Alaskan artist Sydney Mortimer Laurence's Northern Lights.

3. A one-page manuscript section from Mark Twain's unfinished sequel to Huckleberry Finn.

4. A letter from Davy Crockett (actually, it is signed "David Crockett") to Daniel Webster, then a senator from Massachusetts, seeking aid for the family of a late colonel in the army. Crockett's spelling is poor, but his heart is good.

5. A signed copy of Dwight Eisenhower's 1944 D-Day message to his troops (he has signed the printed page taken from his 1948 book).

6. An 1820 letter from Andrew Jackson in which he describes Secretary of the Treasury William Crawford as "a base man," noting that he has told President Monroe the same.

7. An 1862 set of instructions from Stonewall Jackson to Major General D.H. Hill on the appropriate route for his troops to take.

8. A 1795 letter from Thomas Jefferson to David Rittenhouse, requesting the latter to relay some secret correspondence to President Washington, Congressman James Madison, and Secretary of State Edmund Randolph. Jefferson also speaks of his life as a farmer at Monticello. At the time, Jefferson was between jobs, having resigned as secretary of state, but not yet elected to the vice-presidency.

9. President Thomas Jefferson writes to William Barton in 1801 thanking the latter for offering to dedicate his book on freedom of maritime commerce to the President.

10. An 1858 letter signed by Abraham Lincoln concerning a congressional election. He promotes the nomination of a candidate he feels can best draw the support of not only Republican voters but those who had voted for Know-Nothing candidate Millard Fillmore in the 1856 presidential election (while pointing out that his candidate was never a Know-Nothing himself).

Questroyal Fine Art may be reached at 212-744-3586 or gallery@questroyalfineart.com. Their website is www.questroyalfineart.

You will find many of Querstroyal Art's items listed in "Books For Sale" on this site. Click here.

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