Rare Book Monthly

Book Catalogue Reviews - November - 2009 Issue

Autographs from Famed Leaders, Artists, Musicians, Writers and More from David Schulson Autographs

Mark Twain signs his photograph while visiting Australia.

Mark Twain signs his photograph while visiting Australia.

Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of Sherlock Holmes, became quite a spiritualist. The death of his wife, son, and other family members likely led him to embrace theories of life beyond death and the ability to contact the dead. This 1914 letter to fellow writer Lucy Clifford expresses his confidence in his beliefs: "You should look into the psychic question...All fear of death is lost & one begins to realize this general plan of the universe. What I say on this subject is not what I think but what I know. Why man should refuse or neglect such enormous consolation is a mystery to me. It is more important than everything else put together..." Certainly Doyle did not want for confidence in his views, and 16 years later he had the opportunity to put them to the ultimate test. Item 14. $1,950.

Item 48 is a photograph from the Falk Studios of Australia, but the subject is the very American writer Mark Twain. It was signed by the author to a Mr. Robeson in 1896, evidently while on an overseas speaking tour. Twain had lost a lot of money through speculation at the time and embarked on a long tour as he needed the money. His signature as "Twain" rather than his actual name of Samuel Clemens indicates Mr. Robeson was not a personal friend. $4,850.

David Schulson Autographs may be reached at 973-379-3800 or schulson@aol.com. Their website is www.schulsonautographs.com.

You will find many of David Schulson's autographs listed in "Books For Sale" on this site. Click here.

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