Rare Book Monthly

Book Catalogue Reviews - April - 2008 Issue

Ten 19th Century American Paintings from William Reese

Buffalo Bill, encampment along Medicine Bluff Creek

Buffalo Bill, encampment along Medicine Bluff Creek

8. A painting by F. Barand based on an 1869 Will Soule photograph of Medicine Bluff Creek, near Fort Sill in Indian Territory (now Oklahoma). Shown is a group of army officers, well-dressed in civilian clothes, with an Indian camp in the background. $15,000.

9. A painting titled "Three of a Kind," circa 1890 by C. Peterson, depicts three very cherubic looking Indian girls. It was likely intended for an advertising campaign, perhaps for a cigar or produce company, as they frequently used Indian images on their labels. $7,500.

10. A painting of a painter, in this case the subject is George Henry Durrie. Durrie was noted for his New England snow scenes, and was a regular contributor for Currier and Ives. The circa 1850 full standing portrait of the artist is attributed to Edmund Henry, who gets double credit since he not only painted Durrie, but a miniature of one of Durrie's paintings, which he holds in his hand. $16,500.

The William Reese Company may be found online at www.reeseco.com, telephone 203-789-8081, email amorder@reeseco.com,.

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