Rare Book Monthly

Book Catalogue Reviews - March - 2006 Issue

Historic America From Michael Brown Rare Books

Aftermath of the 1921 Tulsa race riot

Aftermath of the 1921 Tulsa race riot

It was one of the most shameful acts in American history, and set the tone for treatment of the Indians in the years ahead. Item 153 is Cherokee Land Lottery, Containing a Numerical List of Names of the Fortunate Drawers in Said Lottery... What is not stated in James Smith's compilation of winners in this lottery and the land they won is this land had been stolen from the Indians. The Cherokee were forced from their land, on the infamous "Trail of Tears," where many died on a cruel forced journey to Oklahoma. Item 153. $1,250.

Here is another dark day from American history: Events of the Tulsa Disaster, by Mary E. Jones. Tulsa was an oil boom city in 1921, and wealth accumulated so quickly that even African Americans were able to participate. Tulsa's Greenwood section was one of the nation's most prosperous black communities. Booker T. Washington called Greenwood the "Negro Wall Street." However, Tulsa was not the most progressive of communities in 1921, and the Klan held a substantial presence. A minor incident served as an excuse for racists to start a riot, and as Blacks attempted to defend themselves, they became victims of a much larger, angry white community. By the time order was restored, over a thousand homes and businesses in the black community had been burned down, and an unknown number, probably around 300 people, mostly black, had died. This ugly episode was essentially swept under the rug for decades, until a commission was set up a few years ago to review what had occurred. That report was released in 2001, but attempts to compel reparations were denied by the courts. Item 14 provides a contemporary (1922) look at the riot, and includes a folding panoramic view of the destruction. $1,500.

For those interested in a look at bookselling a century and a half ago, there is Notes of Travel and Life. By Two Young Ladies -- Misses Mendell and Hosmer. These two young ladies, about whom little else is known, were itinerant booksellers. They traveled through New York and New Jersey, and then into the South, selling their wares. At the end of their trip, they wrote this book, which was published in 1854. It is said to be both an interesting and humorous look at America during a time when good humor was fast disappearing. Item 137. $250.

This covers about 2% of what this catalogue has to offer. To see the other 98%, we suggest visiting Michael Brown Rare Books online at www.mbamericana.com or giving them a call at 215-387-9808.

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