Rare Book Monthly

Book Catalogue Reviews - May - 2021 Issue

The Archive of Heinrich von Maltzan, Oriental Traveller, from Antiquariat Kainbacher

The collection of Heinrich von Maltzan.

The collection of Heinrich von Maltzan.

Antiquariat Kainbacher has published a catalogue entitled Heinrich von Maltzan. Orient-Reisender und Gelehrter (Heinrich von Maltzan. Oriental Traveller and Scholar). He was, also, a writer. Heinrich von Maltzan was born in Dresden in 1826 to a noble family. He received an excellent education, becoming learned in both law and oriental languages. His mother died when he was just eight, and his father in 1851, when Heinrich was 25. It was no longer necessary for him to work. His financial needs were covered for life by his inheritance, so von Maltzan could focus on his greatest interests. That was in learning about Oriental cultures, “Oriental” here not referring to China and East Asia but to the countries of northern Africa and Arabia (he also spent some time travelling in southern Italy).


Perhaps von Maltzan's most notable journey was a pilgrimage to Mecca. He went as part of the Hajj. Of course, it was forbidden and greatly risky for a non-Muslim to go, but his learning of Arabic and understanding of the Islamic faith enabled him to pull it off. However, concerns for his safety led him to cancel a planned visit to Medina and get out of there fast. He writes informatively but also at times humorously. He says there was much consumption of alcohol during the Hajj - “ I saw as much drunkenness as one otherwise only sees in England and America, which are exemplary nations of inebriates.”


His travels and writings were limited to two decades. In 1874, at the age of just 48, he took his own life, the victim of illness.


The catalogue is divided into six sections:


1. Books

2. Scrap book

3. Carte de Visiste photo albums

4. Original Travel Box

5. Portraits

6. Autographs


The collection comes from friends and family, passed down over the years since von Maltzan died. It first went to von Maltzan's close friend August Leesenberg, but after his death, it made its way back to the former's family. Among the items in the collection are several books, three carte de visite photo albums from his journeys, a scrapbook with drawings, and photographs, along with the travel case von Maltzen used on his trips. Among the books is Meine Wallfahrt nach Mekka. Reise in der Küstengegend und im Innern von Hedschas (My pilgrimage to Mecca. Travel in the coastal area and in the interior of Hejaz).


The entire archive is offered together as one lot. Price on request.


Antiquariat Kainbacher can be reached at 0043-(0)699-110 19 221 or kainbacher@kabsi.at. Their website is found at www.antiquariat-kainbacher.at.

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