Rare Book Monthly

Book Catalogue Reviews - January - 2014 Issue

Works Monumental and Small from the Veatchs Arts of the Book

Frasconi woodcut.

Frasconi woodcut.

This is an item that is guaranteed to be rare. Item 24 is Quattro Facciate, created by Antonio Frasconi in 1967. Frasconi was an artist noted for his woodcuts as well as other illustrations. He arrived in America in 1945 from Uruguay, where he remained until his death in 2013 at the age of 93. This work includes 15 woodcut illustrations of the facades of four churches, three in Florence, one in nearby Fiesole. It has been signed and dated by Frasconi. You can be certain that this will always be a rarity as it is noted as being number 1 of 2 copies. $9,500.


Item 88 is New Poems: 1942. An Anthology of British and American Verse, edited by Oscar Williams. It contains works by 33 poets, including photographic portraits and biographical sketches. It was produced in 59 copies, 26 lettered A-Z offered for sale, and the 33 others given to each of the 33 contributing poets. Thirty-two of the 33 poets have signed this book, including some very notable names such as Dylan Thomas, W. H. Auden, Wallace Stevens, Marianne Moore, and Robinson Jeffers. $5,500.


The Veatchs Arts of the Book can be reached at 413-584-1867 or veatchs@veatchs.com. Their website is www.veatchs.com

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