Rare Book Monthly

Book Catalogue Reviews - June - 2012 Issue

Travel and Exploration from Bestebreurtje Rare Books

The Hall sisters and Philip Brigdon are marched into captivity.

The Hall sisters and Philip Brigdon are marched into captivity.

Item 37 is one of those dreadful books that go by the name of “Indian Captivities:” Narrative of the Capture and Providential Escape of Misses Frances and Almira Hall, Two Respectable Young Women (sisters) of the Ages of 16 and 18 who were taken Prisoners by the Savages...When Fifteen of the Inhabitants Fell Victims of the Bloody Tomahawk and Scalping Knife; among whom were the Parents of the Unfortunate Females. No author is stated, but it likely was William P. Edwards, as he is named in the copyright, and published other Captivities of dubious accuracy. The story is evidently based on a true incident in Illinois during the Blackhawk War, though the sisters were named Rachel and Sylvia, the author obtaining his information through interviews. However, he likely was more interested in descriptions that would help sell the book than in providing historical accuracy. A second Captivity is also described, that of a Kentuckian named Philip Brigdon, captured around the same time. Brigdon later escaped, while the sisters were ransomed. Published in 1832. €1,250 (US $1,617).

Gert Jan Bestebreurtje Rare Books may be reached at +31 (0)347 322 548 or info@gertjanbestebreurtje.com. Their website is www.gertjanbestebreurtje.com.

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