Rare Book Monthly

Book Catalogue Reviews - January - 2012 Issue

Rare Americana from David Lesser Antiquarian Books

A “squirrel hunter's” discharge.

A “squirrel hunter's” discharge.

General George Mclellan was a controversial figure during the Civil War. At one time in charge of Union troops, Lincoln fired him for being overly cautious and not very competent. McClellan sought his revenge. He ran against Lincoln in the 1864 presidential election. During that summer, the war dragging on and not going that well for the Union, it looked like McClellan, with his platform of reaching a negotiated settlement, would carry the day. However, with results on the battlefield swinging the Union's way by the fall, Lincoln was able to defeat the challenge. McClellan's compromising platform elicited some strong responses from those more decidedly pro-Union. Item 93 is Gen'l McClellan's Record. His Sympathy with the South. Read for Yourselves. The writer claims that McClellan is not merely cautious, nor even just incompetent or cowardly. Rather, he claims, this is just a smokescreen by “intelligent traitors” to disguise McClellan's true identity. McClellan, he states, is really pro-South, “the most infamous traitor our country has ever produced, a thousand fold worse than Benedict Arnold.” $275.

General McClellan may have been discharged from Civil War duty for incompetence, but not so the Squirrel Hunters. Item 26 is a certificate, The Squirrel Hunter's Discharge. In 1862, the Confederates were threatening to cross the Ohio River and attack Cincinnati. Ohio Governor Tod called for volunteers to defend the city, and some 15,000 people reported for duty. They were given the name the “Squirrel Hunters.” They protected the state from any incursions, and when their services were no longer required the following year, the Ohio Legislature authorized the printing of “Honorable Discharges” for the volunteers. This one was presented to George W. Thompson. $500.

David M. Lesser Fine Antiquarian Books may be reached at 203-389-8111 or dmlesser@lesserbooks.com. Their website is www.lesserbooks.com.

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