Source : Charlton Hall

Source Title Charlton Hall

Headquartered in the heart of South Carolina, Charlton Hall is the Southeast’s leading auction house. With over eighty years of industry experience we offer our clients the personal service they expect from a regional auction house with results that match and often exceed those of larger firms. We pride ourselves on providing fair, professional and practical assistance to clients wishing to have their collections appraised or offered in our auctions.<br><br>Our team of regional and European specialists evaluates over 30,000 objects each year to secure exceptional consignments and collections. We dedicate our expertise, world market knowledge and global outreach to every sale. Our auctions are aggressively advertised in the international marketplace with brochures and electronic newsletters reaching a clientele of more than 40,000 buyers from over 130 countries on 6 continents. Our fully-illustrated color catalogues are posted on our website. With this exposure we regularly set record prices at every major sale.<br><br>Over the years Charlton Hall has proven to be an industry leader. We were one of the first auction houses to utilize digital photography and develop an interactive website. We were the first regional auction house to produce an illustrated catalogue and one of the first of three auction houses to broadcast our sales on the world-wide web. Charlton Hall continues to set new industry standards in our recently built state-of-the-art auction facility by offering live internet bidding directly on our website.

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Total Records in AED 1742
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