Catawiki B. V.: Exclusive Books Auction, 121624b, LA Assen,

Auction Details

Auction Report
Auction Date
December 16, 2024 - December 16, 2024
Page Size: 30 items in 2 pages

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Place Printed Year Published Estimate Actual Price
89691971 Docteur Alphonsi de Olea

Tractatus Cessione Jurium et Actionum

1699/1702 EUR 500.00 - 600.00 EUR 68.67
89692001 SN


1695 EUR 600.00 - 700.00 EUR 325.91
89891811 [Anoniem]

Atlas Geographique

1800/1900 EUR 850.00 - 1,000.00 EUR 332.45
90607521 Martini Bonacinae

Martini Bonacinae Mediolanensis sacrae theologiae. Opera omnia

1684 EUR 600.00 - 700.00 EUR 201.65
90610479 Terence

Terentii Comediae

1523 EUR 500.00 - 600.00 EUR 271.41
90758709 Jean Bourges

In quindecim mysteria Sacri Rosarii Deiparae Virginis Mariae exercitationes

1622 EUR 425.00 - 500.00 EUR 163.50
90762429 Michelin

Le guide Michelin

1902 EUR 1,100.00 - 1,400.00 EUR 840.39
90850243 Various Authors

[Post Incunable] Textus Biblie

1506 EUR 1,500.00 - 3,000.00 EUR 1,347.24
90894639 Guillaume Du Breuil / Charles Dumoulin

Stilus antiquus supremae curiae

1637 EUR 700.00 - 800.00 EUR 154.78
91028789 Heinrich Institoris, Jakob Sprenger en Johannes Nider

Malleorvm Qvorvndam Malficarvm, tam vtervm quam recentiorum authorum tomi dvo

1582 EUR 375.00 - 450.00 EUR 1,882.43
91032825 Francois Crome

Dialogue d'entre le Maheustre

1594 EUR 800.00 - 1,200.00 EUR 283.40
91084187 Ruysbroeck, J.v. (1293-1381)

Doctor ecstaticus, bestehend aus desselben Gottseligen Schrifften. Welche die hochsten geheimnusse

1701 EUR 1,100.00 - 1,400.00 EUR 487.23
91202857 Tacito


1582 EUR 200.00 - 400.00 EUR 381.50
91208807 Abraham Bloemaert (1564-1651)

Groot Teekenboek, ten dienste van Leerlingen en Meesters

1820 EUR 900.00 - 1,300.00 EUR 468.70
91208881 Rene Choppin (1537-1606)

De Domanio Franciae Lib. III.

1574 EUR 325.00 - 400.00 EUR 111.18
91209151 Rudolphus Goclenius (1547-1628)

Problematum Grammaticorum Libri V.

1602/1601 EUR 550.00 - 700.00 EUR 319.37
91209309 Jean Czynski

Russie Pittoresque

1837 EUR 650.00 - 800.00 EUR 130.80
91209599 John Barrow

Voyage en Chine

1805 EUR 550.00 - 700.00 EUR 130.80
91210503 Isaac Commelin

Beschrijvinghe van de tweede Voyagie/ (...) onde rden Heer Admirael Steven vander Hagen

1646 EUR 850.00 - 1,000.00 EUR 267.05
91249419 De Garsault

Parfait Marechal

1805 EUR 200.00 - 350.00 EUR 185.30
91264209 Dapper

Historische beschryving der Stadt Amsterdam ( No reserve ! )

1663 EUR 1,100.00 - 1,400.00 EUR 211.46
91361615 AA.VV.

Biblia Sacra vulgatae editionis sixti quinti p.m. Venezia Giunti

1611 EUR 150.00 - 250.00 EUR 209.28
91366383 Jan Weissenbruch, Johannes Bosboom, e.a.

3 kunstboeken met in totaal ca. 170 Nederlandse prenten

1900/1800 EUR 400.00 - 500.00 EUR 174.40

Nouveau dictionnaire d'histoire naturelle, appliquee aux arts, a l'agriculture, a l'economie rurale

1816/1818 EUR 2,600.00 - 3,100.00 EUR 654.00
91413079 Erizzo Sebastiano

Tratatto dell'Istrumento et Via Inventrice de gli Antichi

1554 EUR 400.00 - 750.00 EUR 213.64
  • Il Ponte, Feb. 25-26: ALDROVANDI, Ulisse (1522-1605) - [Opera omnia]. Bologna: Bellagamba, Benacci, Bonomi, Tebaldini, Ferroni, 1599-1668. €22.000-€28.000
    Il Ponte, Feb. 25-26: [CANALETTO] - VISENTINI, Antonio (1688-1782) da Giovanni Antonio CANAL (1697-1768, detto 'Il Canaletto') - Urbis Venetiarum prospectus celebriores. Venezia: Giovanni Battista Pasquale, 1742-51. €7.000-€10.000
    Il Ponte, Feb. 25-26: LA FONTAINE, Jean de (1621-1695) - Fables Choisies. Parigi: Claude Barbin, 1668. €7.000-€10.000
    Il Ponte, Feb. 25-26: MERCATOR, Rumold (1545-1599) - [I continenti] - Europa; Africa; America Sive India Nova; Asia. Amsterdam: S.d. [ca. 1633]. €2.000-€3.000
  • Sotheby's
    Sell Your Fine Books & Manuscripts
    Sotheby’s: The Shem Tov Bible, 1312 | A Masterpiece from the Golden Age of Spain. Sold: 6,960,000 USD
    Sotheby’s: Ten Commandments Tablet, 300-800 CE | One of humanity's earliest and most enduring moral codes. Sold: 5,040,000 USD
    Sotheby’s: William Blake | Songs of Innocence and of Experience. Sold: 4,320,000 USD
    Sotheby’s: The Declaration of Independence | The Holt printing, the only copy in private hands. Sold: 3,360,000 USD
    Sell Your Fine Books & Manuscripts
    Sotheby’s: Thomas Taylor | The original cover art for Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Sold: 1,920,000 USD
    Sotheby’s: Machiavelli | Il Principe, a previously unrecorded copy of the book where modern political thought began. Sold: 576,000 GBP
    Sotheby’s: Leonardo da Vinci | Trattato della pittura, ca. 1639, a very fine pre-publication manuscript. Sold: 381,000 GBP
    Sotheby’s: Henri Matisse | Jazz, Paris 1947, the complete portfolio. Sold: 312,000 EUR
  • Old World Auctions (Feb 12):
    Lot 746. Speed's Dual Atlas of Britain & the World with 96 Maps (1676). Est. $70,000 - $85,000
    Old World Auctions (Feb 12):
    Lot 9. Visscher's Superb Double-Hemisphere World Map with Representations of the Elements (1658). Est. $4,750 - $6,000
    Old World Auctions (Feb 12):
    Lot 58. One of the Most Important 16th Century Maps of the New World (1554). Est. $5,000 - $6,000
    Old World Auctions (Feb 12):
    Lot 745. A Complete Example of Ortelius' Atlas of Ancient Geography (1624). Est. $12,000 - $15,000
    Old World Auctions (Feb 12):
    Lot 73. First English Map to Show California as an Island (1625). Est. $16,000 - $19,000
    Old World Auctions (Feb 12):
    Lot 156. Bachmann's Dramatic View of the Mid-Atlantic Region (1861). Est. $1,800 - $2,200
    Old World Auctions (Feb 12):
    Lot 741. Early Announcement of Continental Congress' Declaration of Independence (1776). Est. $9,000 - $11,000
    Old World Auctions (Feb 12):
    Lot 695. The First Printed Map Devoted to the Pacific (1589). Est. $8,000 - $9,500
    Old World Auctions (Feb 12):
    Lot 733. Superb Image of the Presentation of Jesus in Hand Color (1502). Est. $700 - $850
    Old World Auctions (Feb 12):
    Lot 52. Produced by the Psychological Warfare Branch to Encourage Surrender (1945). Est. $200 - $230
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