Catawiki B. V.: Autographs and Manuscripts, 121624a, LA Assen,

Auction Details

Auction Report
Auction Date
December 16, 2024 - December 16, 2024
Page Size: 55 items in 3 pages

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Place Printed Year Published Estimate Actual Price
90212553 Jules Supervielle

Tres bel ensemble de 2 lettres autographes signees [ et une 3 eme ? ] [ mouvement << Transhylisme

1935 EUR 170.00 - 200.00 EUR 34.88
90841443 Henry de Montherlant

Lettre autographe signee avec enveloppe

1942 Not Available EUR 49.05
90871869 Jules Massenet

Sur les repetitions de Cherubin

1905 Not Available EUR 61.04
91099967 Umberto I / Ettore Bertole Viale

Decreto autografato

1888 EUR 180.00 - 220.00 EUR 120.99
91181347 Papa Clemente XII

Scomunica papale con sigillo

1730/1740 EUR 150.00 - 250.00 EUR 659.45
91204013 Alphonse Daudet

Lettre autographe signee

1890 Not Available EUR 127.53
91204537 Max Jacob

Lettre autographe signee

1935 EUR 170.00 - 200.00 EUR 164.59
91292383 Feodor Wehl (zur Wehlen) 1821-1890 Schriftsteller radikal - liberaler Redakteur

Eigenhandiger und signierter Brief an einen Justizrat wegen literarischer Beitrage

1857 EUR 170.00 - 200.00 EUR 1.09
91315937 Josef Kainz (1858-1910), beruhmter oesterreichischer Schauspieler

1 Eigenhandig signierter Brief, und 2 eigenhandige Albumblatter

1893 EUR 170.00 - 200.00 EUR 38.15
91349897 Marie-Louise de Montmorency-Laval derniere abbesse de Montmartre

Parchemin manuscrit Francais XVIII siecle

1700 Not Available EUR 43.60
91367039 Carl Eduard Herzog von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha - Enkel von Queen Victoria

Foto mit eigenhandiger Unterschrift

1939 Not Available EUR 38.15
91368125 Furst Bernhard von Bulow - Reichskanzler - Deutsches Reich

Autograph - Eigenhandige Carte de Visite mit Namenskurzel

1920 Not Available EUR 76.30
91368643 Gustav von Kahr - Ministerprasident und Aussenminister - Bayern

Autograph - Eigenhandige Unterschrift auf Ansichtskarte

1920 Not Available EUR 49.05
91369275 Erich Ludendorff - Generalfeldmarschall - Deutsches Reich

Autograph - Eigenhandige Unterschrift auf Karton mit Maxi-Portraitfoto

1925 EUR 170.00 - 200.00 EUR 218.00
91369721 Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898) - Deutscher Reichskanzler und Preussischer Ministerprasident

Original-Autograph und zusatzlich eine Foto-Ansichtskarte

1890 EUR 275.00 - 325.00 EUR 212.55
91384069 Albert Hofmann

LSD mein Sorgenkind [signed by Albert Hofmann]

1979 EUR 200.00 - 250.00 EUR 599.50
91424673 Reyna de Espana Sofia

Fotografia de la Reina de Espana

1987 EUR 200.00 - 250.00 EUR 232.17
91425819 Balavoine, Goldman, Sardou, Vartan, Julien Clerc, W. Sheller, etc.

Carnets d'autographes variete francaise

1986 Not Available EUR 47.96
91436263 Yves Guyot (1843-1928) homme politique, journaliste, essayiste et economiste francais

Lettre autograph signe sur papier du journale "Le Siecle" concernant Frederic Passy (1822-1912)

1901 EUR 200.00 - 250.00 EUR 17.44
91481245 Gaston Doumergue [President de la Republique]

Lettre dactylographiee signee

1926 Not Available EUR 40.33
91481409 Jules Grevy [President de la Republique]

Lettre signee

1878 Not Available EUR 65.40
91481831 Felix Faure [President de la Republique]

lettre signee au prince Nicolas Ier de Montenegro

1895 Not Available EUR 64.31
91482005 Le Marechal Petain

lettre dactylographiee signee

1935 Not Available EUR 142.79
91482219 Paul Deschanel [President de la Republique]

lettre autographe signee

1917 Not Available EUR 2.18
91484333 Louis-Philippe d'Orleans, comte de Paris

invitation a une reception avec mot autographe signe

1886 Not Available EUR 37.06
  • Old World Auctions (Feb 12):
    Lot 746. Speed's Dual Atlas of Britain & the World with 96 Maps (1676). Est. $70,000 - $85,000
    Old World Auctions (Feb 12):
    Lot 9. Visscher's Superb Double-Hemisphere World Map with Representations of the Elements (1658). Est. $4,750 - $6,000
    Old World Auctions (Feb 12):
    Lot 58. One of the Most Important 16th Century Maps of the New World (1554). Est. $5,000 - $6,000
    Old World Auctions (Feb 12):
    Lot 745. A Complete Example of Ortelius' Atlas of Ancient Geography (1624). Est. $12,000 - $15,000
    Old World Auctions (Feb 12):
    Lot 73. First English Map to Show California as an Island (1625). Est. $16,000 - $19,000
    Old World Auctions (Feb 12):
    Lot 156. Bachmann's Dramatic View of the Mid-Atlantic Region (1861). Est. $1,800 - $2,200
    Old World Auctions (Feb 12):
    Lot 741. Early Announcement of Continental Congress' Declaration of Independence (1776). Est. $9,000 - $11,000
    Old World Auctions (Feb 12):
    Lot 695. The First Printed Map Devoted to the Pacific (1589). Est. $8,000 - $9,500
    Old World Auctions (Feb 12):
    Lot 733. Superb Image of the Presentation of Jesus in Hand Color (1502). Est. $700 - $850
    Old World Auctions (Feb 12):
    Lot 52. Produced by the Psychological Warfare Branch to Encourage Surrender (1945). Est. $200 - $230
  • Il Ponte, Feb. 25-26: ALDROVANDI, Ulisse (1522-1605) - [Opera omnia]. Bologna: Bellagamba, Benacci, Bonomi, Tebaldini, Ferroni, 1599-1668. €22.000-€28.000
    Il Ponte, Feb. 25-26: [CANALETTO] - VISENTINI, Antonio (1688-1782) da Giovanni Antonio CANAL (1697-1768, detto 'Il Canaletto') - Urbis Venetiarum prospectus celebriores. Venezia: Giovanni Battista Pasquale, 1742-51. €7.000-€10.000
    Il Ponte, Feb. 25-26: LA FONTAINE, Jean de (1621-1695) - Fables Choisies. Parigi: Claude Barbin, 1668. €7.000-€10.000
    Il Ponte, Feb. 25-26: MERCATOR, Rumold (1545-1599) - [I continenti] - Europa; Africa; America Sive India Nova; Asia. Amsterdam: S.d. [ca. 1633]. €2.000-€3.000
  • Sotheby's
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    Sotheby’s: William Blake | Songs of Innocence and of Experience. Sold: 4,320,000 USD
    Sotheby’s: The Declaration of Independence | The Holt printing, the only copy in private hands. Sold: 3,360,000 USD
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    Sotheby’s: Thomas Taylor | The original cover art for Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Sold: 1,920,000 USD
    Sotheby’s: Machiavelli | Il Principe, a previously unrecorded copy of the book where modern political thought began. Sold: 576,000 GBP
    Sotheby’s: Leonardo da Vinci | Trattato della pittura, ca. 1639, a very fine pre-publication manuscript. Sold: 381,000 GBP
    Sotheby’s: Henri Matisse | Jazz, Paris 1947, the complete portfolio. Sold: 312,000 EUR
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