Robert Siegel Galleries: Worldwide Stamps and Postal History, 1341, New York

Auction Details

Auction Report
Auction Date
December 19, 2024 - December 19, 2024
Page Size: 270 items in 11 pages

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Place Printed Year Published Estimate Actual Price

Great Britain, Used in France, 1841, 1p Red Brown (3; SG 8).

1841 USD 10,000.00 - 15,000.00 USD 8,260.00

Great Britain, 1841, 1p Red Brown (3; SG 8).

1841 USD 7,500.00 - 10,000.00 USD 6,490.00

Great Britain, 1848, 10p Red Brown (6; SG 57ii).

1848 USD 7,500.00 - 10,000.00 USD 106,200.00

Great Britain, 1847, 1sh Green, Embossed (5a; SG 55).

1847 USD 1,500.00 - 2,000.00 USD 1,534.00

Great Britain, 1847-54, 6p Red Violet, 1sh Pale Green, Embossed (5, 7; SG 54, 60).

1847-54 USD 1,000.00 - 1,500.00 USD 590.00

Great Britain, 1848, 1sh Deep Green, Embossed (5b; SG 56).

1848 USD 750.00 - 1,000.00 USD 560.50

Great Britain, 1847, 1sh Pale Green, Embossed (5; SG 55).

1847 USD 400.00 - 500.00 USD 383.50

Great Britain, 1857, 1p Rose Red (20; SG 40).

1857 USD 300.00 - 400.00 USD 3,835.00

Great Britain, 1864, 1p Rose Red (33; SG 44).

1864 USD 500.00 - 750.00 USD 708.00

Great Britain, Used in Panama, 1865, 4p Vermilion (43; SG 94).

1865 USD 300.00 - 400.00 USD 560.50

Australian States, New South Wales, 1882-91, 8p Yellow, Perf 10 (67; SG 236).

1882-91 USD 200.00 - 300.00 USD 212.40

Australian States, Tasmania, 1853, 1p Blue, Fine Impression on Soft Paper (1; SG 1).

1853 USD 3,000.00 - 4,000.00 USD 2,950.00

Australian States, Victoria, 1854, 2p Brownish Purple, Clear Impression (16; SG 19).

1854 USD 1,000.00 - 1,500.00 USD 1,534.00

Australian States, Victoria, 1884, 1/2p Rose (146; SG 207).

1884 USD 750.00 - 1,000.00 USD 472.00

Australia, 1920 Ross-Smith First Aerial Post.

1920 USD 2,000.00 - 3,000.00 USD 3,422.00

Bahamas, 1857, "Paid at Bahamas" Crowned Circle Handstamp in Red (A1; SG CC1).

1857 USD 1,000.00 - 1,500.00 USD 767.00

Bahamas, 1882, 1p Vermilion (24; SG 40).

1882 USD 400.00 - 500.00 USD 265.50

Great Britain, Used in Bermuda, 1854, 1p Red Brown (8; SG 17).

1854 USD 500.00 - 750.00 USD 1,062.00

Bermuda, 1883, 1p Dull Rose (19a; SG 22).

1883 USD 200.00 - 300.00 USD 200.60

Bermuda, 1898 1p Red Postal Card.

1898 USD 1,000.00 - 1,500.00 USD 1,416.00

New Brunswick, 1851, 3p Red (1; SG 1).

1851 USD 200.00 - 300.00 USD 472.00

New Brunswick, 1851, 3p Red, Half Used as 11/2p (1b; SG 2a).

1851 USD 400.00 - 500.00 USD 501.50

New Brunswick, 1851, 6p Yellow (2a; SG 3).

1851 USD 300.00 - 400.00 USD 560.50

New Brunswick, 1851, 6p Olive Yellow, Diagonal Half Used as 3p (2b; SG 4b).

1851 USD 500.00 - 750.00 USD 531.00

New Brunswick, 1860, 10c Vermilion, Half Used as 5c (9a; SG 17a).

1860 USD 300.00 - 400.00 USD 324.50
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