Cotswold Auction Company: Special Christmas Sale - Silver, Jewellery, Watches, Whisky, Botanical Books and Antiques, 121024, Cheltenham

Auction Details

Auction Report
Auction Date
December 10, 2024 - December 10, 2024
Page Size: 39 items in 2 pages

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Place Printed Year Published Estimate Actual Price
1 Sitwell, Sacheverell and Russell, James,

"Old Garden Roses Part One"

London 1955 GBP 40.00 - 60.00 GBP 51.52
2 Wilfred Blunt , George Dynossis

' Ehret '

1963 GBP 40.00 - 60.00 GBP 77.28
3 Robson, Eve and Robson, Norman

"Classical Natural History Prints - Botanical Prints"

1991 GBP 40.00 - 60.00 GBP 64.40
4 Urquhart, Beryl Leslie

"The Camellia"

1956 GBP 40.00 - 60.00 GBP 45.08

Assorted botanical and floral art books to include:- Sitwell, Sacheverell "Old Fashioned Flowers"

1939 GBP 20.00 - 40.00 GBP 25.76
6 [Redoute, Pierre-Joseph]

"A Redoute Treasury 468 Watercolours from Les Liliacees"

1985 GBP 40.00 - 60.00 GBP 115.92
7 Lack, H Walter

"Garden of Eden - Masterpieces of Botanical Illustration"

2008 GBP 20.00 - 40.00 GBP 12.88
8 Stern, F C

"A Study of the Genus Paeonia"

1946 GBP 40.00 - 60.00 GBP 128.80
9 Hunt, P Francis

"Orchida Ceae"

1973 GBP 80.00 - 120.00 Not Sold
10 Folio Society[Thornton, Robert], Harris, Stephen

"The Temple of Flora", "Author of the commentary"

GBP 150.00 - 200.00 GBP 386.40

Mixed volumes to include:-Skelton, C "Eric Gill Engravings"

1990 GBP 40.00 - 60.00 GBP 109.48
12 Ehrman, Edwina (ed)

"Fashioned from Nature"

2018 GBP 15.00 - 25.00 GBP 12.88

Mrs Beetons Household Management, a Complete Cookery Book ...,

GBP 30.00 - 50.00 Not Sold
14 Riley, John J and Banks, David P

"Orchids of Australia - illustrations by John Riley"

2002 GBP 40.00 - 60.00 GBP 128.80

Longhurst, Peter "Hibiscus"

1978 GBP 50.00 - 80.00 GBP 109.48

The Redoute Album - includes a Suite of 84 Bouquets Never Before Published and a Selection from 'The Lilies'

1991 GBP 30.00 - 50.00 GBP 51.52

Thornton's Temple of Flora

1951 GBP 70.00 - 90.00 GBP 64.40
18 Sitwell, Sacheverell and Blunt, Wilfred

"The Great Flower Book 1700-1900, a Bibliographical Record of Two Centuries of Finely-Illustrated Flower Books ..."

1956 GBP 80.00 - 120.00 GBP 83.72
19 Sitwell, Sacheverell and Maydol, Roger

"Album De Redoute ... with 25 facsimile colour plates from the edition of 1824..."

1954 GBP 200.00 - 400.00 GBP 128.80
20 Sitwell, Sacheverell and Maydol, Roger

"Album De Redoute with 25 facsimile colour plates from the edition of 1824..."

1954 GBP 100.00 - 200.00 GBP 128.80
21 Sitwell, Sacheverell and Maydol, Roger

"Album De Redoute with 25 facsimile colour plates from the edition of 1824..."

1954 GBP 80.00 - 120.00 GBP 103.04
22 Lawalree, Dr Andre and Buchheim, Dr Gunter

"PJ Redoute"

1972 GBP 40.00 - 60.00 GBP 83.72
23 Jones, Paul

"Flora Magnifica"

1976 GBP 80.00 - 120.00 GBP 218.96

The Temple of Flora - Essays and Descriptions of Plates

GBP 100.00 - 150.00 GBP 115.92
25 Jones, Paul

"Flora Superba"

1971 GBP 100.00 - 150.00 GBP 128.80
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