Bukowskis: Worldwide Private Collections, F579, Stockholm

Auction Details

Auction Report
Auction Date
November 24, 2024 - November 24, 2024
Page Size: 42 items in 2 pages

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Place Printed Year Published Estimate Actual Price
1573696 Andre Masson

Andre Masson, "Germe d'Acanthe et Constellations"

1955 SEK 2,500.00 - 2,500.00 Not Sold
1573697 Max Ernst

Max Ernst,

1975 SEK 3,000.00 - 3,000.00 SEK 2,750.00
1573699 Jean Fautrier

Jean Fautrier, Le torse de la femme.

1949 SEK 3,000.00 - 3,000.00 SEK 2,750.00
1573700 Hans Hartung

Hans Hartung, Untitled.

1957 SEK 3,000.00 - 3,000.00 SEK 5,875.00
1573701 Hans Hartung

Hans Hartung, Untitled.

1963 SEK 3,000.00 - 3,000.00 SEK 6,375.00
1573703 Enrico Baj

Enrico Baj, Figure Composition.

SEK 2,000.00 - 2,000.00 SEK 1,500.00
1573704 Henri Michaux

Henri Michaux, Untitled.

SEK 3,000.00 - 3,000.00 SEK 2,750.00
1573705 Rolf Hanson

Rolf Hanson, Untitled.

1993 SEK 3,000.00 - 3,000.00 SEK 6,000.00
1573707 Antoni Tapies

Antoni Tapies, En rouge et gris, avec deux plis.

1964 SEK 10,000.00 - 10,000.00 SEK 10,000.00
1573708 Enrico Baj

Enrico Baj, Untitled.

SEK 4,000.00 - 4,000.00 Not Sold
1573710 Hans Hartung

Hans Hartung, Untitled.

SEK 10,000.00 - 10,000.00 Not Sold
1573712 Henri Michaux

Henri Michaux, "Pour Jorn"

1976 SEK 4,000.00 - 4,000.00 SEK 5,750.00
1573714 Malcolm Morley

Malcolm Morley, "The Lone Ranger" from: "The Fallacies of Enoch".

1984 SEK 3,000.00 - 3,000.00 Not Sold
1573721 Enrico Baj

Enrico Baj, "Constant d'Aubigne, Baron de Surineau"

1965 SEK 3,000.00 - 3,000.00 Not Sold
1573722 Alexander Calder

Alexander Calder, "La scie et les boules"

1965 SEK 8,000.00 - 8,000.00 SEK 18,125.00
1573723 Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso, (After), "Composition du 8 Aout 1947"

1947 SEK 25,000.00 - 25,000.00 SEK 43,750.00
1573724 Pierre Alechinsky

Pierre Alechinsky, from the series "Balzac"

1989 SEK 3,000.00 - 3,000.00 SEK 6,250.00
1573725 Antoni Tapies

Antoni Tapies, "La Clau Del Foc"

1973 SEK 6,000.00 - 6,000.00 Not Sold
1573726 Sandro Chia

Sandro Chia, Untitled.

SEK 6,000.00 - 6,000.00 Not Sold
1573727 Malcolm Morley

Malcolm Morley, "Return of Ulysses" from: Fallacies of Enoch

1984 SEK 4,000.00 - 4,000.00 Not Sold
1573730 Pierre Paul Girieud

Pierre Paul Girieud, "Lourmarin, Les estableries le soir"

1928 SEK 8,000.00 - 8,000.00 Not Sold
1573731 Mimmo Paladino

Mimmo Paladino, Untitled.

1983 SEK 3,000.00 - 3,000.00 SEK 4,250.00
1573737 Karl Momen

Karl Momen, "Komosition".

1987 SEK 8,000.00 - 8,000.00 SEK 9,000.00
1573739 Jean Fautrier

Jean Fautrier, Untitled.

SEK 4,000.00 - 4,000.00 Not Sold
1573740 Alan Davie

Alan Davie, XXX from "Zurich Improvisations"

1965 SEK 4,000.00 - 4,000.00 SEK 4,000.00
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