EV Stamps: Sports Cards and Comics Auction, 595492, Richmond

Auction Details

Auction Report
Auction Date
December 07, 2024 - December 07, 2024
Page Size: 220 items in 9 pages

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Place Printed Year Published Estimate Actual Price

1888 Allen & Ginter's N18 Not Engaged Parasol Drill , SGC Graded 5

1888 Not Available USD 24.15

1888 Allen & Ginter's N18 Present Arms, Parasol Drill , SGC Graded 6

1888 Not Available USD 23.00

1888 Allen & Ginter's N18 On Guard, Parasol Drill , SGC Graded 6

1888 Not Available USD 23.00

1888 Allen & Ginter's N18 Ready, Parasol Drill , SGC Graded 6

1888 Not Available USD 23.00

1888 Allen & Ginter's N18 Right About, Parasol Drill , SGC Graded 6

1888 Not Available USD 21.85

1888 Allen & Ginter's N18 Aim, Parasol Drill , SGC Graded 5

1888 Not Available USD 20.70

1888 Allen & Ginter's N18 Forward March, Parasol Drill , SGC Graded 5

1888 Not Available USD 18.40

1888 Allen & Ginter's N18 Quick Time March, Parasol Drill, SGC Graded 5

1888 Not Available USD 18.40

1888 Allen & Ginter's N18 Order Arms, Parasol Drill, SGC Graded 5

1888 Not Available USD 18.40

1888 Allen & Ginter's N18 Trail Arms, Parasol Drill, SGC Graded 5

1888 Not Available USD 18.40

1888 Allen & Ginter's N18 under Inspection, Parasol Drill, SGC Graded 5

1888 Not Available USD 18.40

1888 Allen & Ginter's N18 Parade Rest, Parasol Drill, SGC Graded 5

1888 Not Available USD 18.40

1888 Allen & Ginter's N18 Rest on Arms, Parasol Drill, SGC Graded 5

1888 Not Available USD 18.40

1888 Allen & Ginter's N18 Left Shoulder Arms, Parasol Drill, SGC Graded 5

1888 Not Available USD 18.40

1888 Allen & Ginter's N18 Arms port, Parasol Drill, SGC Graded 5.5

1888 Not Available USD 19.55

1909 Sweet Caporal T206 Fred Jacklitsch, SGC Graded 20 1909-1911 iconic White Border Tobacco Baseball Cards

1909 Not Available USD 48.30

1909 Sweet Caporal T206 Harry Covalesko, SGC A Authentic 1909-1911 iconic White Border Tobacco Baseball Cards

1909 Not Available USD 20.70

1909 Piedmont Cigarettes T206 Billy Sullivan, SGC 20 1909-1911 iconic White Border Tobacco Baseball Cards

1909 Not Available USD 31.05

1910 Piedmont Cigarettes T206 Harry Hinchman, SGC 20 1909-1911 iconic White Border Tobacco Baseball Cards

1910 Not Available USD 44.85

1910 Piedmont Cigarettes T206 Herbie Moran, SGC 20 1909-1911 iconic White Border Tobacco Baseball Cards

1910 Not Available USD 72.45

1909-1911 Old Mill Piedmont T206 Ira Thomas, Beckett Graded 1.5 1909-1911 iconic White Border Tobacco Baseball Cards

1909-1911 Not Available USD 44.85

1911 Piedmont Cigarettes T205 John McGraw, SGC Graded 10 1909-1911 iconic Gold Border Tobacco Baseball Cards

1911 Not Available USD 65.55

1910 Piedmont Cigarettes T206 Billy Purtell, SGC Graded 1.5 1909-1911 iconic White Border Tobacco Baseball Cards

1910 Not Available USD 49.45

1910 Sweet Caporal T206 Fred Beck, SGC Graded 1.5 1909-1911 iconic White Border Tobacco Baseball Cards

1910 Not Available USD 48.30

1910 Sweet Caporal T206 Ed Lennox, SGC Graded 1 1909-1911 iconic White Border Tobacco Baseball Cards

1910 Not Available USD 36.80
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