Trafford Books: Books, Autographs, Banknotes, Postcards, Stamps and Postal History, 430, Manchester

Auction Details

Auction Report
Auction Date
November 20, 2024 - November 20, 2024
Page Size: 257 items in 11 pages

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Place Printed Year Published Estimate Actual Price

Pamphlets, historical & literary, including Instructions of King Henry VIII for the General Visitations of the Monasteries and Nunneries 1538-39, and a related item, both in the Historical Reprints series,

1885-86 GBP 40.00 - 60.00 Not Sold

Mix in carton with many Cigarette Card sets & odds including album of Ogden Guinea Golds

1930s GBP 40.00 - 60.00 GBP 73.60

Carton of softbacks,

20th Century GBP 30.00 - 50.00 GBP 23.00

Various including Wyld The Physics and Philosophy of the Senses,

1875 GBP 40.00 - 60.00 Not Sold

An Edwardian Scrap Album, 12" x 10", decorated cloth, 43 pages of mostly chromo-litho scraps of children, animals, soldiers, birds etc, ownership inscription dated

1903 GBP 40.00 - 60.00 GBP 78.20

Harrison Ainsworth The Good Old Times: The Story of the Manchester Rebels of '45,

1873 GBP 60.00 - 80.00 GBP 105.80

The Golden Ass of Apuleius,

1904 GBP 50.00 - 70.00 Not Sold

Easton Press 'Millennium Edition' selection comprising Cervantes Don Quixote, Charles Darwin Voyage of the Beagle, R.H. Dana Two Years Before the Mast, and Edward Lane (trans.) Stories from the Thousand and One Nights. All in full leather, gilt. VF (4)

GBP 40.00 - 60.00 GBP 27.60

Retrospect of Philosophical, Mechanical, Chemical and Agricultural Discoveries,

London, 1806-1812 GBP 120.00 - 160.00 GBP 92.00

The Brewers' Almanack and Wine and Spirit Trade Annual for 1936 and 1937,

1936 and 1937 GBP 30.00 - 50.00 Not Sold

Folio Society publications including works illustrated by Rackham, Heath Robinson, Detmold (2) and Edmund Dulac. Fine, all in the slipcases. (10)

GBP 40.00 - 60.00 GBP 78.20

Various including A. & C. Black topography (7),

GBP 40.00 - 60.00 Not Sold

Joseph Gillow A Literary and Biographical History or Bibliographical Dictionary of the English Catholics from the Breach with Rome in 1534 to the Present Time,

1885 GBP 30.00 - 50.00 GBP 50.60

The Bookman -- Special Christmas Number

1924 GBP 10.00 - 20.00 Not Sold

Cash's Silk Bookmarks, a collection in album and plastic sleeves, together with 20 other modern woven silk bookmarks. Fine (71)

GBP 100.00 - 130.00 GBP 132.25

Woven Silk Bookmarks (17), several by Thomas Stevens, plus printed silks (4) given with Sunday Companion

1924 GBP 120.00 - 150.00 GBP 132.25

20th Century Bookmarks, most of Advertising interest, various products and services notably Scottish Widows (36) and other insurance companies. About 50% are modern. (190)

20th Century GBP 50.00 - 70.00 GBP 82.80

Bookmarks in six albums, mostly publicising the Book Trade including booksellers, authors and publishers, mostly

1970s-2000s GBP 60.00 - 100.00 GBP 98.90

Foreign & Commonwealth Bookmarks, a collection in four albums, largely

1980s to modern. GBP 40.00 - 70.00 GBP 55.20

Bookmarks in eight binders,

mostly 1970s-2000s GBP 70.00 - 130.00 GBP 184.00

Bookmarks in nine binders and plastic sleeves, plus a further binder of calendars.

Mostly 1970s-2000s GBP 80.00 - 150.00 GBP 155.25

Bookmarks in carton including some book token cards & calendars, including leather & other textiles.

1930s-2000s GBP 30.00 - 50.00 GBP 82.80

Bookmarks in carton, mostly modern, many in leather and many unusual novelty types. (abt. 150)

GBP 20.00 - 30.00 GBP 41.40

An album of Autographed photos and pages.

GBP 80.00 - 120.00 GBP 166.75

An album of Autographed photos

GBP 60.00 - 80.00 GBP 94.30
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