Forum Auctions: Modern and Contemporary Art and Editions, 2061, London

Auction Details

Auction Report
Auction Date
November 27, 2024 - November 27, 2024
Page Size: 248 items in 10 pages

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Place Printed Year Published Estimate Actual Price
3 Damien Hirst (b.1965)

Beautiful, Galactic, Exploding

London 2001 GBP 6,000.00 - 8,000.00 Not Sold
4 Bob Dylan (b.1941)

Train Tracks, from The Drawn Blank Series

New York, Birmingham 2013 GBP 3,500.00 - 4,500.00 Not Sold
5 Takashi Murakami (b.1962)

Flower (Kaikai Kiki 27)

Tokyo 2004 GBP 1,000.00 - 1,500.00 GBP 1,260.00
7 Bruce Nauman (b.1941)

Use Me (Cordes 59)

Marina del Rey, New York, 1988 GBP 3,000.00 - 5,000.00 Not Sold
8 Bruce Nauman (b.1941)

Suck Cuts (Cordes 17; Gemini 435)

Los Angeles 1973 GBP 3,000.00 - 5,000.00 Not Sold
9 Derrick Adams (b.1970)

Under the Soft Light

New York 2015 GBP 1,000.00 - 1,500.00 GBP 1,134.00
10 Derrick Adams (b.1970)

Interior Life (Man) & (Woman)

New York 2019 GBP 3,000.00 - 5,000.00 GBP 6,048.00
11 Kehinde Wiley (b.1977)

Battle on Anghiari Study II

New York 2015 GBP 1,200.00 - 1,500.00 GBP 1,764.00
12 Kehinde Wiley (b. 1977)

Barack Obama

2018 GBP 200.00 - 300.00 GBP 352.80
13 Chris Levine (b.1960)

Lightness of Being (Blue)

presented in the artist's specified frame 2023 GBP 3,000.00 - 5,000.00 Not Sold
14 Jesse Mockrin (b.1981)


Vancouver 2023 GBP 2,000.00 - 3,000.00 GBP 2,268.00
15 Ian Davenport (b.1966)


London 2009 GBP 1,000.00 - 1,500.00 Not Sold
16 Toby Ziegler (b.1972)

Automated Melancholy

circa 2005 GBP 800.00 - 1,000.00 Not Sold
17 Marcel Dzama (b.1974)

Untitled (Dancing Women with Rifles)

London 2007 GBP 500.00 - 700.00 GBP 630.00
18 Parker Ito (b.1986)


circa 2010s GBP 2,000.00 - 3,000.00 GBP 1,386.00
19 Tunji Adeniyi-Jones (b.1992)

Violet Dance

London 2021 GBP 1,200.00 - 1,800.00 GBP 1,260.00
20 Etel Adnan (1925-2021)

We have to reconnect what words separated

Manchester 2021 GBP 500.00 - 700.00 GBP 2,520.00
21 Refik Anadol (b.1985)

Space: Earth/Still, from Machine Hallucinations

2022 GBP 300.00 - 500.00 GBP 604.80
22 Refik Anadol (b.1985)

Space: Mars/Still, from Machine Hallucinations

2022 GBP 300.00 - 500.00 GBP 1,260.00
24 John Bellany (1942-2013)

Untitled, from Six Artists: The Royal College of Art Portfolio 1992

London 1992 GBP 150.00 - 200.00 GBP 189.00
25 Katherine Bernhardt (b.1982)

Scotch Magic Tape

Margate 2021 GBP 2,000.00 - 3,000.00 GBP 2,520.00
26 April Bey (b.1987)

3 Large Banana Prints

2002 GBP 1,500.00 - 2,000.00 Not Sold
27 David Bowie (1947-2016)


1998 GBP 500.00 - 700.00 GBP 693.00
28 Miaz Brothers (b.1965 & 1968)

Lady With Green Background

London 2019 GBP 300.00 - 500.00 GBP 403.20
29 Miaz Brothers (b.1965 & 1968)

Gentleman With Red Dot

London 2019 GBP 300.00 - 500.00 GBP 403.20
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