Fonsie Mealy Auctioneers: Christmas Rare Books and Collectors' Sale, 121124, Kilkenny

Auction Details

Auction Report
Auction Date
December 11, 2024 - December 12, 2024
Page Size: 999 items in 40 pages

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Place Printed Year Published Estimate Actual Price
1 Swift - Hawkesworth (John)

The Works of Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick's Dublin, Vols. 1 - XII, [- XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII]. Also Letters Written by Jonathan Swift D.D., Vols. 1 - VI, & A Supplement to Dr. Swift's Works, 3 vols. Together 27 vols.

London 1766-1779 EUR 500.00 - 700.00 EUR 700.00

35 Maps of Seller etc. Folding Maps: Camden (Wm.) Brittania

EUR 130.00 - 180.00 EUR 112.50
3 O'Gorman (Th)

The Practice of Angling, Particularly as regards Ireland. 2 vols.

Dublin 1845 EUR 350.00 - 500.00 EUR 375.00
4 Taylor (Samuel)

Angling in all its Branches, reduced to a Complete Science

London 1800 EUR 160.00 - 240.00 EUR 137.50
5 Malone (Ed.)

The Plays and Poems of William Shakespeare, 16 vols.

Dublin 1794 EUR 400.00 - 500.00 EUR 350.00
6 Wolfe (Rev. Patrick)

Sloinnte Gaedheal is Gall, Irish Names and Surnames.

Dublin 1923 EUR 120.00 - 160.00 EUR 125.00
7 [Allan(Rob.)]

'A Common-polite,' The Sportsman in Ireland, with his Summer Route through the Highlands of Scotland. 2 vols.

London 1840 EUR 220.00 - 360.00 EUR 275.00
8 Fleming (Ian)

You Only Live Twice

London 1964 EUR 180.00 - 220.00 EUR 237.50
9 Cogan (Rev. A.)

The Ecclesiastical History of the Diocese of Meath, Ancient and Modern, 3 vols.

Dublin 1874-1870 EUR 300.00 - 400.00 EUR 300.00
10 Barton (Rose)

Familiar London,

London 1904 EUR 180.00 - 250.00 EUR 225.00
11 Willmott (R.A.)

English Sacred Poetry

London 1863 EUR 150.00 - 200.00 EUR 150.00
12 Machiavel - Farneworth (Ellis)ed.

The Works of Nicholas Machiavel, Secretary of State to the Republic of Florence, 4 vols.

London 1775 EUR 550.00 - 750.00 EUR 775.00
13 Brightly & Co., Publishers:

The Natural History of Quadrupeds and Cetaceous Animals, 2 vols.

Bungay 1811 EUR 220.00 - 350.00 EUR 187.50
14 O'Sullivan (T.F.)

Romantic Hidden Kerry,

Tralee 1931 EUR 180.00 - 250.00 EUR 375.00
15 [Somerville (E.OE.) & Ross (M.)]

Through Connemara in a Governess Cart, Lond. 1893. First Edn., illus. & attractive colour decorated cloth; Stray-Aways,

London 1920 EUR 130.00 - 180.00 EUR 500.00
16 Heaney (Seamus)

District and Circle

London 2006 EUR 300.00 - 400.00 EUR 775.00

Herbert - Retrospections of Dorothea Herbert 1770 - 1806, 2 vols.

London 1929 - 30 EUR 100.00 - 150.00 EUR 125.00
18 Yeats (Jack B.)

Life in the West of Ireland

Dublin & London 1912 EUR 325.00 - 450.00 EUR 575.00
19 Surtees (Rob. Smith)

The Sporting Novels of ..., 7 vols.

London n.d. EUR 300.00 - 400.00 EUR 375.00
20 Vallencey (Lt. Gen. Chas.)

An Essay on the Antiquity of the Irish Language

London 1822 EUR 120.00 - 180.00 EUR 125.00
21 Inglish (Sir Rob. Harry)

On the Catholic Question - Substance of Two Speeches delivered in The House of Commons on May 10th, 1825 & May 9th, 1828,

London 1828 EUR 120.00 - 180.00 EUR 112.50
22 Adams (Rev. Jos.)

Fifty Years Angling,

London 1938 EUR 80.00 - 120.00 EUR 187.50
23 Stone (J. Harris)

Connemara and the Neighbouring Spots of Beauty and Interest

London 1906 EUR 100.00 - 150.00 EUR 475.00
24 Brunker (J.P.)

Flora of the County of Wicklow

Dundalk 1950 EUR 130.00 - 180.00 EUR 125.00
25 Dahl (Roald)

The B.F.G.

London 1982 EUR 120.00 - 160.00 EUR 162.50
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