Tooveys: Single Owner Collections, 112624, West Sussex

Auction Details

Auction Report
Auction Date
November 26, 2024 - November 26, 2024
Page Size: 44 items in 2 pages

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Place Printed Year Published Estimate Actual Price

A rare late Victorian/early Edwardian advertising showcard, 'Eley Ammunition Unequalled'

late Victorian/early Edwardian GBP 80.00 - 120.00 GBP 323.70

A post-1952 advertising showcard, 'Agents for Gallyons Precision Loaded Cartridges, Gallyon & Sons Ltd, 52 High Street, King's Lynn, and 66 Bridge Street, Cambridge, Cartridge Makers to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II',

post-1952 GBP 40.00 - 60.00 GBP 118.28

A collection of early to mid-20th century ephemera relating to shooting and game hunting

early to mid-20th century GBP 60.00 - 100.00 GBP 373.50

A large collection of mainly early to mid-20th century ephemera related to game farming

early to mid-20th century GBP 50.00 - 80.00 GBP 56.03

A collection of mainly early to mid-20th century game cards and ephemera relating to shooting

early to mid-20th century GBP 60.00 - 100.00 GBP 99.60

A collection of scarce late 19th and 20th century shotgun and firearm licences and related ephemera

late 19th and 20th century GBP 80.00 - 120.00 GBP 62.25

A collection of 1950s Westminster Bank Limited cheques relating to George Hinton & Sons Ltd, West of England Gun Works

1950s GBP 40.00 - 60.00 Not Sold

A large collection of mainly late 19th century and early to mid-20th century ephemera relating to shooting and game hunting

late 19th century and early to mid-20th century GBP 70.00 - 100.00 GBP 68.48

A collection of various scarce 19th and 20th century licences

19th and 20th century GBP 80.00 - 120.00 GBP 62.25

A collection of scarce 19th and 20th century game killing and dealers' licences

19th and 20th century GBP 60.00 - 100.00 GBP 68.48

A large collection of early to mid-20th century ephemera relating to shooting, game hunting, explosives and cartridges

early to mid-20th century GBP 80.00 - 120.00 GBP 199.20

A collection of mainly early to mid-20th century ephemera relating to shooting, game hunting and cartridges

early to mid-20th century GBP 60.00 - 100.00 GBP 298.80

A collection of mainly early to mid-20th century ephemera relating to shooting, game hunting and cartridges

early to mid-20th century GBP 80.00 - 120.00 GBP 68.48

A large collection of mainly early to mid-20th century trade catalogues relating to shooting and game hunting

early to mid-20th century GBP 80.00 - 120.00 GBP 373.50

A large collection of ephemera relating to B.S.A. Guns Ltd

GBP 60.00 - 100.00 GBP 68.48

A large collection of early to mid-20th century trade catalogues and ephemera relating to Parker-Hale

early to mid-20th century GBP 40.00 - 60.00 GBP 105.83

A large collection of ephemera relating to Kynoch and Eley Kynoch

GBP 70.00 - 100.00 GBP 118.28

An extensive collection of Victorian and later dog licences dating from the late 1860s to the 1980s

late 1860s to the 1980s GBP 200.00 - 300.00 GBP 186.75

A small collection of early 20th century shooting related advertising material and novelties

early 20th century GBP 50.00 - 80.00 GBP 398.40

A large collection of later 19th century and mainly early 20th century shooting related ephemera

early 20th century GBP 70.00 - 100.00 GBP 68.48

A large collection of scarce later 19th century and mainly early to mid 20th century shooting related ephemera connected with game hunting estates

early 20th century GBP 80.00 - 120.00 GBP 68.48

A large collection of later 20th century gun and shooting related trade catalogues and advertising brochures

later 20th century GBP 60.00 - 100.00 GBP 74.70

A large collection of mostly later 20th century shooting related ephemera, catalogues and literature

later 20th century GBP 40.00 - 60.00 Not Sold

A collection of various 19th and 20th century licences, tax forms and inhabited house duty tickets

19th and 20th century GBP 70.00 - 100.00 GBP 80.93

A large collection of scarce 19th and 20th century ephemera relating to dogs

19th and 20th century GBP 60.00 - 100.00 GBP 37.35
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