PIASA: Art + Design A life in pictures Patrizia Pilotti and Olivier Massart Collection, 112724, Paris

Auction Details

Auction Report
Auction Date
November 27, 2024 - November 27, 2024
Page Size: 43 items in 2 pages

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Place Printed Year Published Estimate Actual Price
3 Yves Klein

Catalogue Raisonne des editions et sculptures

EUR 4,000.00 - 6,000.00 EUR 5,200.00
57 Peter Hill Beard

The Elephant, in the course of time has adopted man into his scheme of things with deep distrust..., February, 1965

1965 EUR 30,000.00 - 40,000.00 EUR 44,200.00
66 Man Ray

A l'heure de l'observatoire, Les amoureux, 1932-1934

1932-1934 EUR 30,000.00 - 40,000.00 EUR 49,400.00
67 Pierre Molinier

Skin-d'amourdo, 1972

1972 EUR 4,000.00 - 6,000.00 EUR 5,850.00
68 Camille Henrot

Collection Prehistorique (femme en position de danseuse et cendre), 2009

2009 EUR 3,000.00 - 4,000.00 Not Sold
69 Camille Henrot

Collection prehistorique, (femme allongee et dents de requin), 2009

2009 EUR 3,000.00 - 4,000.00 Not Sold
70 Annie Leibovitz

June Omura, Dancer, Mark Norris dance group, Clifton Point, New York, Nude ndeg22, 1999

1999 EUR 4,000.00 - 6,000.00 EUR 4,420.00
71 Jeanloup Sieff

Set of three works: - Nu avec un chapeau, Paris, 1995 - Nue avec un chapeau, Paris, 1995 - Chapeau du Maitre Akio Hirata, 1992

1995 - 1995 - 1992 EUR 5,000.00 - 7,000.00 Not Sold
72 Ellen von Unwerth

Legwork, 2002-2009

2002-2009 EUR 5,000.00 - 7,000.00 EUR 9,100.00
73 Ellen von Unwerth

White corsage, 2002

2002 EUR 3,000.00 - 4,000.00 EUR 7,150.00
74 Ellen von Unwerth

Untitled, Paris, 2009

2009 EUR 4,000.00 - 6,000.00 Not Sold
75 Ellen von Unwerth

Masque, Paris, 1991

1991 EUR 2,000.00 - 3,000.00 Not Sold
76 Ellen von Unwerth

Petticoat millemont, 2006-2010

2006-2010 EUR 3,000.00 - 4,000.00 EUR 3,510.00
77 Ellen von Unwerth

Fraulein, Roully le Bas, 2002

2002 EUR 2,000.00 - 3,000.00 EUR 2,340.00
78 Ellen von Unwerth

Fallen party angel, 2012

2012 EUR 2,000.00 - 3,000.00 Not Sold
79 Guy Bourdin

Charles Jourdan, 1978

1978 EUR 15,000.00 - 20,000.00 Not Sold
80 Frank Horvat

Hat by Givenchy, Hat C, 1958

1958 EUR 2,000.00 - 3,000.00 EUR 3,120.00
81 Henri Cartier-Bresson

Queen Charlotte's Ball,1959

1959 EUR 8,000.00 - 12,000.00 EUR 16,900.00
82 Pablo Picasso

Sculpteur avec son modele et sa sculpture, de la suite

EUR 6,000.00 - 8,000.00 EUR 11,700.00
89 Hans Bellmer

Untitled, 1962

1962 EUR 6,000.00 - 9,000.00 EUR 8,450.00
92 Jan Saudek

Pavla poses for her first & last time...

EUR 4,000.00 - 6,000.00 EUR 4,550.00
93 Jan Saudek


EUR 4,000.00 - 6,000.00 Not Sold
94 Jan Saudek

The deep devotion of Veronique, circa 1995

circa 1995 EUR 5,000.00 - 7,000.00 EUR 5,850.00
97 Nobuyoshi Araki


EUR 7,000.00 - 9,000.00 Not Sold
98 Nobuyoshi Araki


EUR 5,000.00 - 7,000.00 Not Sold
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