Dominic Winter Book Auctions: Aviation & Military History, Medals & Militaria, 112124, Gloucestershire

Auction Details

Auction Report
Auction Date
November 21, 2024 - November 21, 2024
Page Size: 101 items in 5 pages

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Place Printed Year Published Estimate Actual Price

Maritime Books. Lloyd's Register of Yachts and other related books

1914-1958 GBP 100.00 - 200.00 GBP 272.80
7 McKie (Helen).

Waterloo Station, War and Peace, a pair of modern colour prints

GBP 70.00 - 100.00 Not Sold
11 Alvis.

Alvis. Three Litre brochure, circa 1950s, monochrome illustrations etc

circa 1950s GBP 200.00 - 300.00 GBP 223.20
12 Morgan Motor Company.

Morgan Motor Company. A collection advertising brochures and promotional literature, circa 1960-90s

circa 1960-90s GBP 200.00 - 300.00 Not Sold
13 Morgan Motor Company.

Morgan Motor Company. A humerous painted cloth banner

GBP 200.00 - 300.00 Not Sold
14 Morgan Motor Company.

Morgan Motor Company. Morgan Sports Car Club Japan banner

GBP 100.00 - 150.00 Not Sold
15 Morgan Motor Company.

Morgan Motor Company. The Morgan Three Wheeler Model "F" 18, duplicate maintenance booklets

GBP 100.00 - 150.00 GBP 62.00

Rolls Royce. Motoring brochure for the 40-50 H.P. Rolls Royce Phantom III, 1930

1930s GBP 200.00 - 300.00 Not Sold

Norman Hillwood Motoring Memorabilia. Archive of motoring photographs, trophies etc.

GBP 500.00 - 800.00 Not Sold
22 Sager (Xavier, 1881-1969).

'Et si j'aiconseil a vous donner ne faites jamais ...

(19)07 GBP 100.00 - 150.00 Not Sold

Sea Charts. A large collection of sea charts

GBP 70.00 - 100.00 Not Sold

A List of all the Officers of the Army and Royal Marines, 1810

London: 1810 GBP 100.00 - 150.00 Not Sold

Andalusia Internment camp. A scrap album from, Transvaal, South Africa, circa 1940

circa 1940 GBP 100.00 - 150.00 Not Sold
31 Gardyne (Lt.-Colonel C. Greenhill).

The Life of a Regiment, 4 volumes, 1929-58

1929-58 GBP 70.00 - 100.00 Not Sold

Handkerchief. Carte de la France,

Rouen: (fl. 1860-1890) GBP 150.00 - 200.00 Not Sold

Honourable Artillery Company Journal, 59 volumes, 1923-82

1923-82 GBP 300.00 - 500.00 GBP 360.00
35 Montgomery (Bernard Law),

El Alamein to the River Sangro, signed

GBP 200.00 - 300.00 GBP 288.00
39 Cadet Henry Godfrey Howarth

Royal Military Academy. Compass Sketch of Woolwich Common, Circa 1880

Circa 1880 GBP 150.00 - 200.00 GBP 148.80
40 Underwood & Underwood

Stereocards. A collection of Boer War stereocards by Underwood & Underwood

circa 1900 GBP 100.00 - 150.00 GBP 124.00

Sword Reference Books. A collection of reference books

GBP 70.00 - 100.00 GBP 136.40

Victoria Cross. A collection of 60 first-day covers signed by VC winners

GBP 100.00 - 200.00 GBP 322.40

Victoria Cross. The Legion Book signed and inscribed by Major General Daniel Beak V.C.

1919 GBP 100.00 - 150.00 GBP 173.60

Cap Badge Books. A collection of reference books

GBP 70.00 - 100.00 GBP 62.00

Aircraft Postcards. A good collection of 127 WWII Valentine postcards

GBP 100.00 - 150.00 Not Sold

Aircraft Prints. An impressive collection of 90 'Squadron Prints'

GBP 600.00 - 800.00 GBP 1,860.00
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