<i>In The News</i>: A Magna Carta, Declaration of Independence, and Elvis Museum For Sale
- by Michael Stillman
Bill Beeny's "proof" that Elvis lives is available on the Elvis Is Alive Museum website.
If you are wondering how this story relates to books, we will admit that Elvis was never noted for his library, but many books have been written about him. In fact, the aforementioned Mr. Beeny is just such an author, having penned the title DNA Proves That Elvis Is Alive! This DNA was supposedly taken from the body in Elvis's coffin and "proves" that the body in Elvis' tomb is that of an imposter. So who, then, is buried in Grant's tomb? There is also "expert" handwriting analysis which shows that Elvis helped fill out his own death certificate! All of this "proof," along with FBI files about Presley and a 1974 Cadillac, were included in the auction.
And, a taker there was. Andy Key was the successful bidder at $8,300. Mr. Key plans to reopen the museum somewhere in Elvis' home state of Mississippi, though an exact location has not yet been chosen. In the meantime, you may visit the museum online at www.theelvisisalivemuseum.com/home.htm and even purchase a copy of Mr. Beeny's book ($10).
So, is Elvis still alive? Yes, Virginia, as long as love and generosity and devotion exist, not to mention gullibility, Elvis lives. A thousand years from now, nay ten times ten thousand years from now, Elvis will continue to live. Just don't expect to meet him in person.
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