One More Book Shop Scaling Back: The Book Press Ltd.
- by Bruce E. McKinney
Mr Curtiss, a life long bookman
The Book Press Ltd of Williamsburg, Virginia has announced they are about to close their public shop at 1304 Jamestown Road effective June 15th. Book stores in well-travelled areas have long resisted the persistent trend of open book shops closing across the United States and Europe.
Fortunately the shop will continue to be open for visitors by appointment who can reach their staff by email and/or phone.
They will continue to offer “a wide range of books, maps and prints” relating to “books on Architecture, Fine and Applied Arts, Gardening, the Book Arts (including the History of Printing), Colonial Americana and Virginiana, Wine and Horticulture, as well as Rare Books in selected subject areas.”
The firm was established in 1973 by John Robert Curtis, Jr. who has long been a member of the Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association of America.
Some of their stock will continue to be accessible via a web link on their continuing to be active website: Their inventory link is currently being fiddled with and it will take a bit of time to resolve.
Mr. Curtis has also expressed an interest to transfer portions of their inventory to buyers or to find a younger candidate to take the business over altogether.
Koller Auctions Books & Autographs 18 September 2024
Koller, Sep. 18: Cowper, William. Anatomia corporum humanorum ab excellentissimis… Utrecht, 1750. CHF 25,000 to 40,000
Koller, Sep. 18: Bell, Thomas. A Monograph of the Testudinata. London [1836-1842]. CHF 20,000 to 30,000.
Koller, Sep. 18: Gould, John. A monograph of the Trochilidae, or family of humming-birds [and] Supplement completed after the authors death…, London [1849-]1861 and [1880-]1887. CHF 50,000 to 80,000.
Koller Auctions Books & Autographs 18 September 2024
Koller, Sep. 18: Gould, John. The birds of New Guinea and the adjacent Papuan Islands, including many new species recently discovered in Australia. CHF 50,000 to 80,000.
Koller, Sep. 18: Levaillant, François. Histoire naturelle des oiseaux de paradis et des rolliers, suivie de celle des toucans et des barbus. Paris [1801-]1806. CHF 40,000 to 60,000.
Koller, Sep. 18: Pfinzing, Melchior. Die geverlicheiten und einsteils der geschichten des loblichen streytparen…, Nürnberg, 1517. CHF 40,000 to 60,000.
Il Ponte, Sep. 24-25: HAMILTON, Sir William - Campi Phlegraei. Napoli: 1779. € 50,000 - 80,000
Il Ponte, Sep. 24-25: KIRCHER, Athanasius - Turris Babel. Amsterdam: 1679. € 3,000 - 5,000
Il Ponte, Sep. 24-25: EDWARDS, George.London - Gleanings of Natural History. Londra: 1758-1764. € 7,000 - 10,000
Il Ponte, Sep. 24-25: HEVELIUS, Johannes - Cometographia. Danzica: 1668. € 20,000 - 30,000
Il Ponte, Sep. 24-25: KUPKA, Frantisek - Quatre histoires de blanc et noir. Parigi: 1926. € 10,000 - 15,000