Rare Book Monthly

Articles - September - 2017 Issue

Inaugural San Francisco Map Fair September 14-16

A new event for the map field

A new event for the map field

This September, in San Francisco, the 1st Annual San Francisco Map Fair will be held at the Regency Center, beginning Friday September 15th from 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm, continuing Saturday the 16th 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, and on Sunday the 17th from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. This event is sponsored by the History in your Hands Foundation, a non-profit organization with a mission to provide classrooms with objects to help foster a more enriched learning experience.


Lectures, three altogether, are being sponsored by the California Map Society.  A link to the full schedule of events is provided at the end of this article.


Currently 20 exhibitors are signed up.


Alexandre Antique Prints, Maps & Books              Toronto, Canada

Antiquariat Reinhold Berg                              Regensburg, Germany

Arader Galleries                                          San Francisco, California

Barry L. Ruderman Antique Maps                      La Jolla, California

Bonhams                                                           San Francisco, California

Boston Rare Maps, Inc.                      Southampton, Massachusetts

Geographicus                                                        Brooklyn, New York

Guerrilla Cartography                                         Oakland, California

Far West Maps & Books                                       Cheyenne, Wyoming 

Harlan J. Berk, Ltd.                                                    Chicago, Illinois

High Ridge Books, Inc.                    South Deerfield, Massachusetts

Old Imprints                                                               Portland, Oregon

Old Map Gallery                                                            Denver, Colorado

Neatline Antique Maps                               San Francisco, California

New World Maps, Inc.                                         Lake Worth, Florida

Prints Old and Rare                                                Pacifica, California

Sandra & John Berryman Fine Books          Ormond Beach, Florida

The Old Print Shop                                                 New York, New York

The Philadelphia Print Shop                   Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Todd P. Cooper Antique Maps & Prints       Yorba Linda, California


The fair is being held at:


The Regency Center

In the Lodge on the 3rd Floor

1290 Sutter Street

San Francisco, California 94109


The show has a dedicated website:  www.sanfranciscomapfair.com


The promoter is Sammy Berk and his email:  sammy@hjbltd.com

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