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    Sotheby’s, 28 Oct: Gide, André. Les Cahiers d'André Walter, 1891
    Sotheby’s, 28 Oct: Flaubert, Gustave. Salammbô. Paris, Michel Lévy frères, 1863. Édition originale
    Sotheby’s, 28 Oct: Scève, Maurice. Microcosme. Lyon, Jean de Tournes, 1562. Maroquin vert de Lortic fils. Rarissime édition originale.
    Sotheby’s, 28 Oct: Whitman, Walt. Leaves of Grass. Brooklyn, 1855. Édition originale, imprimée par Whitman lui-même et reliée sur ses instructions. Avec un exemplaire de "Calamus", Boston, 1897
    Bibliothèque de Pierre Bergé : le dernier chapiter
    28 October 2024
    Sotheby’s, 28 Oct: García Lorca, Federico. Poema del cante jondo. Madrid, 1931. Édition originale. Exemplaire offert par Lorca au journaliste basque Pedro Mourlane Michelena
    Sotheby’s, 28 Oct: Ronsard, Pierre de. Les Amours. 1553. [Suivi de:] Continuation des amours. 1557. In-8. Vélin. Troisième édition des Amours et deuxième édition de la Continuation
    Sotheby’s, 28 Oct: Vivaldi, Antonio. L’Estro Armonico... Amsterdam [1712]. Édition originale. Rares partitions de 12 concertos, gravées sur cuivre
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Rare Book Monthly

Articles - June - 2017 Issue

The Wreck of The Medusa, a Political Parable.

Plan of the raft.

Plan of the raft.

This book takes us at the heart of the tragedy, depicting people who could have been our neighbours, including a poor 12-year-old boy named Léon, “who suddenly stopped living like an old lamp runs out of oil.” His death almost came as a relief. “As long as he had had the strength, he had run up and down the raft, calling for his mother, for food and water, stepping upon the legs of his comrades.” And the legs of the passengers, eaten up by salt, were as painful as open wounds.


There was also this “poor woman”, a cook, who had dedicated her life to feed the French soldiers. She was black. And her loving relationship with her husband moved the passengers to tears on the second day. But five days later, there was no room left for romanticism anymore: “there were only 27 of us left—out of which only fifteen seemed able to survive a few more days; the others, badly wounded, had run out of their minds. (...) We reckoned that they would drink 30 to 40 bottles of wine before they died—and those were highly valuable to us. (...) Driven by despair, we took the decision to throw them overboard. (...) Three sailors and one soldier took care of it, while we all looked away, shading bloody tears over those unfortunates. Among them was the (black woman)—and her husband. (...) This decision saved our lives.”


A brick from the expedition eventually rescued them—she was not looking for them, though; but for the wreck of the Medusa, where some riches had been left—but still had, for some of them, to walk through the desert to reach the colony—hence the coloured portrait of the king of the Moors, King Zaïde, added as a frontispiece to the second edition.


This book changed the life of its main author, Corréard, who was fired from his position following its unauthorized publication. It became so successful, that Corréard turned publisher in 1818. He multiplied the editions of his relation—which apparently sold like hot cakes—adding many parts and engravings, including one of Géricault’s painting. Both men knew each other well, and met several times while Géricault was working on his painting—Géricault also met Savigny, the co-author of the relation. As a matter of fact, Corréard appears on the painting, he is the man from the main group, who stretches his arm toward the horizon. Just like Géricault turned his painting into an allegorical cry for justice—including for the black slaves—, Corréard soon became a political figure. His bookshop, Au Naufragé de la Méduse / The Survivor of the Medusa, attracted the opponents of the Restauration. As soon as 1819, he printed a political almanac, Le Politique. Because of his positions and the pamphlets he published, he was condemned several times, including to eight years of prison. His certificate of bookseller was eventually revoked in September 1822—the government seized more than 8,000 books from him. He then unsuccessfully ran for the elections in 1848, and went to Fontainebleau to spend the end of his life. He died in 1857, far from the coast of Africa and the dangerous currents of politics.


The storm of the 19th century has calmed down, and might seem quite far from us. But as soon as you open this book, or take a look at Géricault’s masterpiece, you’ll feel the gale of terror and smell the horror. You’ll sight mankind, packed on a hand-made raft, drifting away on a dark and pitiless sea of pain and distress, led by arrogant and incompetent leaders who have no clue what direction to take—some things never change.



Thibault Ehrengardt

Rare Book Monthly

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    Jeschke Jádi, Oct. 25-26: Lot 1572. Lew Tolstoy. Anna Karenina. First Edition, Moscow, 1878.
    Jeschke Jádi, Oct. 25-26: Lot 49. Petrarca. Das Gluecksbuch, Augsburg, 1536.
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    Jeschke Jádi, Oct. 25-26: Lot 585. Bonaparte, Iconografia della fauna Italica. Rome, 1832f.
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    Jeschke Jádi, Oct. 25-26: Lot 1496. Jacob / Picasso. Chronique des Temps, 1956.
    Jeschke Jádi, Oct. 25-26: Lot 571. Christian von Wolff. Works, Halle 1741f.
    Jeschke Jádi, Oct. 25-26: Lot 969. Karl Friedrich Schinkel, Dekorationen innerer Raeume. Berlin 1874.
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    Auction 153
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    Jeschke Jádi, Oct. 25-26: Lot 1457. Goethe. Das Tagebuch. Print on Vellum. Berlin, Officina Serpentis. 1934.
    Jeschke Jádi, Oct. 25-26: Lot 1316. Tolouse-Lautrec. Dessinateur. Duhayon binding, 1948.
    Jeschke Jádi, Oct. 25-26: Lot 30. Michael de Hungaria. Sermones praedicabiles, Strasbourg, 1494.

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