• Freeman’s | Hindman, Oct. 24:
    A Superb Extra-illustrated Copy of Nicolay and Hay’s Work About Lincoln. $50,000 – 70,000.
    Freeman’s | Hindman, Oct. 24:
    The First Volume of De Bry's Great Voyages, Thomas Hariot's Description of Virginia. $50,000 – 70,000.
    Freeman’s | Hindman, Oct. 24:
    An autographed cabinet card of Custer as lieutenant colonel. From his last sitting. $800 – 1,200.
    Freeman’s | Hindman, Oct. 24:
    The Congressional Committee, Lincoln's Funeral Springfield Illinois, 3 May 1865. $4,000 – 6,000.
    Freeman’s | Hindman, Oct. 25:
    A remarkable ninth plate daguerreotype of an interracial couple. $30,000 – 50,000.
    Freeman’s | Hindman, Oct. 25:
    What may be the earliest known images of an identified plantation and enslaved African Americans posed with their owner. $20,000 – 30,000.
    Freeman’s | Hindman, Oct. 25:
    Through Tickets to All Principal Points West Via Chicago Burlington and Quincy Railroad For Sale at This Office. $500 – 700.
    Freeman’s | Hindman, Oct. 25:
    15th New York Infantry / Regiment of Engineers GAR regimental colors. Ca 1880. $1,500 – 2,500.
  • Jeschke Jádi
    Auction 153
    Friday October 25 and Saturday October 26, 2024
    Jeschke Jádi, Oct. 25-26: Lot 1556. Senghor, Les Élégies Majeures. Geneve 1978.
    Jeschke Jádi, Oct. 25-26: Lot 1572. Lew Tolstoy. Anna Karenina. First Edition, Moscow, 1878.
    Jeschke Jádi, Oct. 25-26: Lot 49. Petrarca. Das Gluecksbuch, Augsburg, 1536.
    Jeschke Jádi
    Auction 153
    Friday October 25 and Saturday October 26, 2024
    Jeschke Jádi, Oct. 25-26: Lot 1060. Immanuel Kant, Critik der reinen Vernunft. First Edition, Riga, 1781.
    Jeschke Jádi, Oct. 25-26: Lot 585. Bonaparte, Iconografia della fauna Italica. Rome, 1832f.
    Jeschke Jádi, Oct. 25-26: Lot 548. Robert Fludd. Utriusque cosmi maioris, Frankfurt, 1617f.
    Jeschke Jádi
    Auction 153
    Friday October 25 and Saturday October 26, 2024
    Jeschke Jádi, Oct. 25-26: Lot 1496. Jacob / Picasso. Chronique des Temps, 1956.
    Jeschke Jádi, Oct. 25-26: Lot 571. Christian von Wolff. Works, Halle 1741f.
    Jeschke Jádi, Oct. 25-26: Lot 969. Karl Friedrich Schinkel, Dekorationen innerer Raeume. Berlin 1874.
    Jeschke Jádi
    Auction 153
    Friday October 25 and Saturday October 26, 2024
    Jeschke Jádi, Oct. 25-26: Lot 1457. Goethe. Das Tagebuch. Print on Vellum. Berlin, Officina Serpentis. 1934.
    Jeschke Jádi, Oct. 25-26: Lot 1316. Tolouse-Lautrec. Dessinateur. Duhayon binding, 1948.
    Jeschke Jádi, Oct. 25-26: Lot 30. Michael de Hungaria. Sermones praedicabiles, Strasbourg, 1494.
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  • Sotheby’s
    Bibliothèque de Pierre Bergé : le dernier chapiter
    28 October 2024
    Sotheby’s, 28 Oct: Gide, André. Les Cahiers d'André Walter, 1891
    Sotheby’s, 28 Oct: Flaubert, Gustave. Salammbô. Paris, Michel Lévy frères, 1863. Édition originale
    Sotheby’s, 28 Oct: Scève, Maurice. Microcosme. Lyon, Jean de Tournes, 1562. Maroquin vert de Lortic fils. Rarissime édition originale.
    Sotheby’s, 28 Oct: Whitman, Walt. Leaves of Grass. Brooklyn, 1855. Édition originale, imprimée par Whitman lui-même et reliée sur ses instructions. Avec un exemplaire de "Calamus", Boston, 1897
    Bibliothèque de Pierre Bergé : le dernier chapiter
    28 October 2024
    Sotheby’s, 28 Oct: García Lorca, Federico. Poema del cante jondo. Madrid, 1931. Édition originale. Exemplaire offert par Lorca au journaliste basque Pedro Mourlane Michelena
    Sotheby’s, 28 Oct: Ronsard, Pierre de. Les Amours. 1553. [Suivi de:] Continuation des amours. 1557. In-8. Vélin. Troisième édition des Amours et deuxième édition de la Continuation
    Sotheby’s, 28 Oct: Vivaldi, Antonio. L’Estro Armonico... Amsterdam [1712]. Édition originale. Rares partitions de 12 concertos, gravées sur cuivre

Rare Book Monthly

Articles - May - 2014 Issue

Christies May 21st in London: in the embrace of history

Christie’s has a long and storied history of formidable auctions, and the material they offer meets a very high standard. This month, Christie’s London’s Valuable Manuscripts and Printed Books continues the trend as one hundred and twenty-one lots featuring many significant people and events are offered for sale on May 21st.

Fourteen lots of medieval and renaissance manuscripts begin the catalogue, and they won’t all break the bank. The first lot, The Adoration of the Magi, an illuminated manuscript presenting a miniature on a leaf from a Book of Hours dated c.1450, is estimated $8,300-13,000. Another lot that caught my eye is a Bible produced in 13th century England. I found myself considering the events that happened in England during the manuscript’s existence: the arrival of the Black Death in England, the separation of the Church of England from Rome, the Wars of the Rose, and Shakespeare all come to mind. As lot 06, the Bible is estimated $17,000-25,000.

One of the few lots in the sale falling under the category of Americana is also one of the most significant offered. The Codex Chimalpahin and Historical Works for Fernando de Alva Ixtlilxochitl are three volumes related to Aztec Mexico and contain major unpublished original accounts about native life, society and politics in Prehispanic and 16th century New Spain. Two authors, both of Nahua (Aztec) descent, offer an immensely rare and comprehensive perspective from the indigenous side that is otherwise not available to private collectors. Estimated $500,000-830,000, these volumes are not for the faint of heart, or the light of wallet.

While the preceding manuscript lots may be older, many of the items under the autograph letter and manuscripts section command higher prices. A veritable who’s who of important and high profile composers and their autograph letters and manuscripts are on display. Bach? A section of the composing score of church cantata BWV 188, ‘Ich habe meine Zuversicht,’ is available as lot 15. It is estimated $250,000-330,000. Perhaps you prefer Beethoven? The following lot, #16, is an autograph letter signed to the pianist and composer, Charles Neate, and is estimated $50,000-83,000. The following lots include the likes of Mozart, Chopin, Schubert, and Mendelssohn.

The big names continue to flow after the composers wrap up. Dickens, Einstein, Freud, Leibniz, and Planck are among those with autograph material available. A small section dedicated to Alan Turing and 20th century mathematics is also included. Turing was a name that I was, until recently, unfamiliar with. However, a movie about him, The Imitation Game, is due to release this year and brought him into my scope of knowledge. His autograph, which according to Christie’s has never before been offered at auction, is offered, as well as his own personal copies of two volumes on specific mathematic concepts.

Under the nineteen lot section on Russian books and manuscripts, significant publications from Russia make appearances. Six lots of material by Dostoevsky are here, including the first edition of Crime and Punishment (in Russian, of course). It is estimated $10,000-15,000 as lot 52. But the most significant item here is Apostol [Acts and Epistles], published by order of Ivan IV for the various churches built in Muscovy and Kazan under his watch. This is the first edition of the first dated book printed in Moscow from 1564. Only one other copy of the same edition is known, being held by the British Library. As lot 50, it is estimated $170,000-250,000.

Western European books are grouped together in a sizeable 35 lot portion of the sale. Many of the items are incunabula or were printed at the beginning of the 16th century.  Apollonius Rhodius’ Argonautica, the best surviving account of the mythical story of Jason and the Argonauts, is estimated $15,000-20,000 as lot 70. Another highlight of the section is lot 80, Albrecht Durer’s Passio Christi [The Small Passion], a first edition of a complete set of Durer’s most extensive series that includes 36 woodcuts and is estimated $20,000-30,000. With these items and the other material offered in mind, the diamond of the section is undoubtedly lot 99—a presentation copy of Adam Smith’s An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations from 1776. No other like copies have been seen in the rooms for over 40 years. Considering both the rarity and the significance of the content, it’s not surprising to see a six-digit estimation of $120,000-170,000.

The final lots of the sale fall more broadly under the categories of cartography, topography, and natural history. Francis Frith’s Egypt, Sinai, and Jerusalem: A Series of Twenty Photographs, c.1858-1860, is offered in its first edition and is considered one of the most important 19th century photobooks. Frith’s photographs contained within, particularly his views of the Pyramids, were groundbreaking for the period and are the works he is best known for. The large volume, measuring nearly 2 ½ feet wide and 1 ¾ feet tall, is listed as lot 108 and estimated $120,000-170,000. For collectors of maps, two copies and different editions of Abraham Ortelius’ Theatrum orbis terraru. –Parergon. –Nomenclator ptolemaicus atlas are being sold under lots 114 and 115. Both are entirely colored by hand and contain over 150 maps. Neither are entirely complete—lot 114, the 1601 edition, is missing a single map, and lot 115, the 1603 Latin edition, is missing two.

All in all, Christie’s London’s Valuable Manuscripts and Printed Books contains a large assortment of significant material covering a wide range of subjects and time. For serious collectors of European and Russian material, your attention is practically mandatory.


Here is a link to the sale.

Rare Book Monthly

  • Bonhams, now to Oct. 24: CATESBY, MARK. 1683-1749. The Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands. $100,000 - $150,000
    Bonhams, now to Oct. 24: AUDUBON, JOHN JAMES. 1785-1851. The Birds of America, from Drawings Made in the United States and their Territories. $30,000 - $50,000
    Bonhams, now to Oct. 24: EARLIEST MAP DEVOTED TO NORTH AMERICA. FORLANI, PAULO. fl.1560-1571. $20,000 - $30,000
    Bonhams, now to Oct. 24: HAMILTON DEFENDS THE CONSTITUTION. HAMILTON, ALEXANDER. 1757-1804. $20,000 - $30,000
    Bonhams, now to Oct. 24: NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION BROADSIDE. Boston, September 14, 1768. $5,000 - $8,000
    Bonhams, now to Oct. 23: THE FOUNDATIONS OF MODERN COMPUTING. TURING, ALAN MATHISON. 1912-1954. $30,000 - $50,000
    Bonhams, now to Oct. 23: FINE OIL PORTRAIT OF ALBERT EINSTEIN BY EUGEN SPIRO. $40,000 - $60,000
  • Swann, Oct. 24: Lot 31: William Shakespeare, Second Folio, 1632. $120,000 to $180,000.
    Swann, Oct. 24: Lot 175: Agostino Nifo’s De Regnandi Peritia ad Carolum VI, 1523. $25,000 to $35,000.
    Swann, Oct. 24: Lot 263: Johannes Hevelius, Selenographia: Sive, 1647. $15,000 to $20,000.
    Swann, Oct. 24: Lot 32: William Shakespeare, Poems, 1640. $15,000 to $20,000.
    Swann, Oct. 24: Lot 230: Ernest Hemingway, in our time, Limited First Edition; One of 170 Copies Printed, Paris: Three Mountains Press, 1924. $20,000 to $30,000.
    Swann, Oct. 24: Lot 43: Amadis de Gaule Story Cycle, Various Authors, El Octavo Libro and El Noveno Libro, 1526 and 1542. $8,000 to $12,000.
    Swann, Oct. 24: Lot 25: John Milton, Poems of Mr. John Milton, 1645. $7,000 to $9,000.
    Swann, Oct. 24: Lot 259: William Griffith Wilson, Alcoholics Anonymous: The Story of How More than One Hundred Men Have Recovered, 1939. $15,000 to $20,000.
    Swann, Oct. 24: Lot 242: Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird, 1960. $10,000 to $15,000.
    Swann, Oct. 24: Lot 69: Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote in Spanish, Ibarra's Academy Edition, 1780. $6,000 to $8,000.
    Swann, Oct. 24: Lot 9: Elizabeth I, Queen of England, The Historie of Guicciardin, 1599. $6,000 to $9,000.
    Swann, Oct. 24: Lor 103: Francisco Lopez de Ubeda, Libro de Entrentenimiento de la Picara Justina, 1605. $6,000 to $8,000.

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