Literature from Shapero Rare Books

Literature from Shapero Rare Books

For those who believe books must be old to be valuable, item 36 is the first edition, first issue, of the first Harry Potter book: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Shapero notes that author J.K. Rowling was turned down by seven publishers (aren't they sorry?) before Bloomsbury printed 500 copies in 1997, not exactly anticipating a run on the bookstores. Of those, 350 went to libraries, so the book was published in a more durable library binding without a dust jacket. This virtually pristine copy is likely one of the 150 that went into private hands as it does not bear the signs of heavy use the quickly popular book endured in public libraries. Shapero notes that this copy can be identified as the first issue as it includes "1 wand" at both the top and bottom of the list of items Harry is to take with him to Howarts. £27,500 (US $54,192).

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