Fine Books and Art from J.N. Bartfield

Fine Books and Art from J.N. Bartfield

T.S. Eliot is not noted for being a children's author, but there is an exception: Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats. Published in 1939, this collection of poems had been circulated privately for years before Eliot was persuaded to publish them publicly. It contains poems about an eccentric group of felines, who many years later made their way to Broadway in the musical adaptation Cats. This is a first edition with Eliot's drawing on the cover. $2,250.

While books can be described, it is almost impossible to describe paintings and sculpture. You will need to see the catalogue to appreciate these entries. However, if you click the image to the left, you will see one example, W.R. Leigh's Arizona Sunset. Leigh painted many different types of subjects and founded a school of fashion design with his wife, but he is best known for his distinctive portrayals of the American West.

J.N. Bartfield Galleries and Fine Books is found online at Their telephone is 212-245-8890, their email