Law and Legal History from The Lawbook Exchange

Law and Legal History from The Lawbook Exchange

Item 73 is a rather odd title by Colin McIver: An Essay Concerning the Unlawfulness of a Man's Marriage with His Sister by Affinity; with a Review of the Various Acts of the Highest Judicatory of the Presbyterian Church in the United States... This 1842 first and only edition concerns the lawfulness of marriage to one's deceased wife's sister, evidently a more important issue in the 19th century than it is today. I must confess, while I recall there are Biblical rules requiring a man to marry his deceased brother's wife, I am not sure whether there are rules concerning this particular twist on the facts. $250.

Item 81 was compiled by L. Petrova and S. Gilevskaya and printed in Moscow in 1956: Equality of Women in the U.S.S.R.: Materials of International Seminar (Moscow, September 15-October 1, 1956). You can be sure that everything was just wonderful in Soviet Union of 1956, at least according to anything allowed to be published in the Workers' Paradise. Perhaps this meant that women had an equal opportunity with men to be shipped off to the gulag. Bring some warm clothes. $25.

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