Science and Medicine from Asher Rare Books and the Antiquariaat Forum

- by Michael Stillman

Science and Medicine from Asher Rare Books and the Antiquariaat Forum

Item 26 is Die Phanomene der Geologie... the first German edition of The Wonders of Geology by Gideon Mantell, published in 1839. Mantell was an English physician who was fascinated by the fossils he found in his area. One day in 1822, either he or his wife chanced upon some very large teeth, and then some large bones. This was before the coining of the word “dinosaur” or much more than cursory knowledge that there were once some large, prehistoric creatures. Mantell at first thought he had found some very large form of crocodile, but later concluded it was some lizard-like creature. He gave it the name Iguanodon, “Iguana tooth” based on the appearance of the teeth. This book describes a number of large reptiles later to be called “dinosaurs,” and contains numerous illustrations, including a frontispiece that depicts three Iguanodons fighting. The illustrations in the German edition are superior to those in the English. €950 (US $1,198).


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