Rare and Colorful Books from the Arader Galleries

- by Michael Stillman

Rare and Colorful Books from the Arader Galleries

Thomas Pennant was born of a landed Welsh family, which turned out to be quite beneficial to science. It afforded him the opportunity to study natural history rather than fight for survival. Among his interests were animals and geology. Offered is his set The British Zoology, Class I Quadrupeds, II Birds, published 1761-66. It includes illustrations by Peter Paillou, folio plates so spectacular and costly that this proved to be less than a great financial investment for Pennant. Hopefully, the respect he earned more than made up for any financial losses. $77,500.


For more information about this catalogue and the items within, contact the Arader Galleries at 212-628-3668, or email Kate Hunter at katehunter@aradergalleries.com or Caleb Kiffer at calebkiffer@aradergalleries.com.