Catawiki B. V.: Old and Rare Books, 81224, LA Assen,

Auction Details

Auction Report
Auction Date
August 12, 2024 - August 12, 2024
Page Size: 143 items in 6 pages

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Place Printed Year Published Estimate Actual Price
86819463 Hans Schauffelein (c. 1480--1540)

Battle scene, Knights in armour; In Dutch; Lucius Scipio & the King of Antioch

1541 Not Available EUR 64.31
86822431 Bonaventura

Seraphici Doctoris Sancti Bonaventure

1490 EUR 2,400.00 - 3,500.00 EUR 2,479.75
86830359 Lambert Van den Bos

Florus Anglicus Sive Rerum Anglicarum Auctore Lambero Silvio

1651 EUR 150.00 - 220.00 Not Sold
86832873 Andreas Hartmann

Des Hylas aus Latusia Lustiger Schauplatz von einer pindischen Gesellschaft

1650 EUR 150.00 - 250.00 EUR 120.99
86845547 Virgilius / Nicolaus Erythraeus

Bucolica, Georgica et Aeneis. Una cum Indice Nicolai Erythraei

1638 EUR 150.00 - 220.00 Not Sold
86858755 Jan Orlers

Geslacht-boom der Graven van Nassau

1616 EUR 275.00 - 350.00 EUR 659.45
86859005 Antonio Carnero

Historia de las guerras civiles que ha habido en los estados de Flandes desde el ano 1559 hasta el

1625 EUR 600.00 - 750.00 Not Sold
86859101 Matt Carter

Honor Redivivus or An Analysis of Honor and Armory by Matt Carter

1660 EUR 150.00 - 400.00 EUR 141.70
86861811 Juan Gutierrez

Tractatus de tutelis et curis minorum, deque officio et obligatione tutorum, accuratorum et mercede

1602 EUR 350.00 - 500.00 EUR 147.15
86863371 .

Biblia sacra. Dat is de geheele heylighe schrifture bedeylt int out ende nieu Testament

1599 Not Available Not Sold
86870027 Andreas Fachineus

Consiliorvm D. And. Fachinei, IC. Foroliviensis Eqvitis Et Comitis Lateranensis...

1610 EUR 275.00 - 350.00 EUR 62.13
86875425 Robertus Bellarminus

Institutiones Linguae Hebraicae

1606 EUR 220.00 - 700.00 EUR 109.00
86875447 J. Lydius / A. van Halen (vert.)

De Heylige Stryden ofte Verhandelinge vande Strijdperken en Loopbanen der Grieken en Romeynen

1703 EUR 300.00 - 850.00 Not Sold
86875527 Bernardo Giustiniano

Historie Cronologiche della vera origine di tutti gl'Ordini Equestri, e Religioni Cavalleresche

1672 EUR 1,100.00 - 1,400.00 EUR 419.65
86875593 [Polyglot Bible - Selections]

Precationes aliquot celebriores e sacris Bibliis desumptae

1554 EUR 700.00 - 850.00 Not Sold
86875733 Claes Wassenaer

Historisch verhael alder ghedenck-weerdigste geschiedenissen die hier en daer in Europa

1623/1622 EUR 450.00 - 850.00 EUR 277.95
86875975 Rudolphus Goclenius (1547-1628)

Problematum Grammaticorum Libri V.

1601/1602 EUR 350.00 - 700.00 Not Sold
86876157 Adriaan van Baerland (1487-1538) / Philip Galle (1537-1612)

Hollandiae comitum historia et icones

1584 EUR 400.00 - 750.00 EUR 381.50
86879447 Gian Francesco Bonomi (1626-1705)

Heraclitus, sive Morales Fletus

1667 Not Available EUR 16.35
86879753 Isaac Commelin

Historisch Verhael van de Voyage der Hollanderen met dry Schepen gedaen naar de Oost-Indien

1646 EUR 150.00 - 220.00 Not Sold
86879851 Isaac Commelin

Journael/ ofte dach-register vande Voyagie/ Ghedaen onder het beleydt van den Admirael Wolfhart

1646 EUR 150.00 - 220.00 Not Sold
86880031 Isaac Commelin

Verhael van de Reyze gedaen inde meeste van de Oost-Indien, Door den Opper-Coopman Hendrick Hagenaer

1646 EUR 250.00 - 350.00 EUR 245.25
86880157 Isaac Commelin

Beschrijvinghe van de tweede Voyagie/ (...) onde rden Heer Admirael Steven vander Hagen

1646 EUR 700.00 - 950.00 Not Sold
86880239 Isaac Commelin

Historische ende Iournaelsche aenteyckeningh, Van 't gene Pieter van den Broecke op sijne Rysen, soo

1646 EUR 650.00 - 950.00 Not Sold
86880959 Abraham Trommius

Volkomene Nederlandsche Concordantie

1672/1691 Not Available EUR 101.37
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    A Renaissance Library. The Aldine Collection D-M
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    Sotheby’s, Oct. 18: Musaeus, Opusculum de Herone et Leandro, Venice, Aldo, 1495 (Greek text), interleaved with 1497–1498 (Latin text), English olive morocco by Charles Lewis, the Botfield copy
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