Now Available: The Book All Collectors of L. Frank Baum and Oz Must Have

- by Michael Stillman

Blue dots on moon, red shading on horizon, distinguish first state of The Wizard from second.

Bienvenue's book will give you all the information about Baum and his successors' careers, but also the details of the various points of issue needed to collect first and other early and important editions. There are not only different editions, but different printings of the same edition, and variants within individual printings. With books as popular as Baum's, such variations are common, making collecting both more challenging and more interesting. Bienvenue provides the data necessary to distinguish between these similar, but different versions. For example, there are minor differences on a few pages between the first and second state the first edition of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, and within the first state, there are three variant bindings. Bienvenue shows you how to distinguish these, including photographs of the differences so you can make a positive identification. As a Baum or Oz collector, once you get your hands on this book, you will never again be able to live without it. It's that good. You might even say it's wizardry. The Book Collector's Guide to L. Frank Baum and Oz is available at the website of March Hare Books, with a 20% discount and free shipping for online purchases. The website may be found at