Sixteen New Catalogues Reviewed in Section Two

Sixteen new catalogues are reviewed in Section Two.

The holidays create a popular season for booksellers to issue catalogues, and this year is no exception. This month, we review sixteen new ones in Section Two of AE Monthly. We find a variety of types of books from noted booksellers such as Locus Solus, John Waite, and Antiquariaat Forum. Thomas Goldwasser focuses on literature and fine books, Hordern House on pacific voyages and other history, David Lesser on Americana, and Thomas Cullen on manuscripts along with books. Old West Books and Gene Baade highlight Western Americana, William Reese Americana from 1800-1815, Shapero Rare Books 19th century sea charts. David Schulson has European and American autographs, Aleph-Bet children’s books, while Garrett Scott concentrates on the bizarre. Oak Knoll offers titles from the book arts, while Bauman Rare Books has picked out gift selections for the holidays. This is certainly a most intriguing group of catalogues. To see these reviews, click here
