The Collaborative Project Introduction: How You (Yes You!) Can Use the AE Database to Improve...

- by Michael Stillman


For those of you who are not subscribers, access to the AE Database is inexpensive. A full year’s access is only $59.75, or $74.50 when combined with the AE’s auction reports. However, you can try all of the services for a week for just $7.95, and if you like having them, we’ll credit that amount toward your year’s subscription. Just click the “Become a Member” tab at the top of most pages on this website, or click here now.

You will be reading each of these four experiential narratives just following this introduction; but suffice it to say that, in broad strokes, topics chosen include: pioneer women's narratives from 1820 to 1920; the imprints of and about the Hudson Valley in New York; the bibliographic and publication history of one book in particular, Francis Parkman's Oregon Trail; and all printed materials currently in the AE database about slavery printed in the 19th century and written by women, about women, and/or directed to women as a primary audience. However, we encourage you to read these not for their particular subjects, but to see how you too can use the AE Database to build your collection or to buy and sell books in fields of interest to you.

As you read these, we urge you to remember that this is a game that any of you can play for yourselves. Try it! Use the AE Database to form your own “wants” list for a collection. You might be surprised both about how fulfilling it is and about how much you learn about using the AE Database in the process!