Sticky Fingered Bibliophiles Caught

- by Bruce E. McKinney

Found in the wrong neighborhood.

Among the items reported missing and still missing are:

An Oscar awarded for My Fair Lady;
John Houston's typed script of The Maltese Falcon;
A 1683 folio of the Bard of Avon, Mr. W. Shakespear;
Numerous original plays early Shakespear folios;
A Masonic board with brass tags from the original "Sam's piano" from Casablanca;
Two original scripts from Gone with the Wind.

The drama's denouement began several months ago when a stolen item was identified at a pawn shop. Subsequently, original scripts for "Casablanca," "Gone with the Wind" and "My Fair Lady" were found in a working class home in Adelanto. For Eliza Doolittle, who has spent decades trying to escape poverty in My Fair Lady, it seems particularly unfair to have ended up back in a blue collar environment. Reggit Stephens, 37, and Joseph Kelley, 43, were arrested in connection with the stolen property. The police seem to be considering Mr. Stephens for a supporting role and Kelley for a star turn.

On January 19th another warrant was served in Los Angeles, additional material located and more recently one Timothy Galloway apprehended. To all this Mr. X expressed satisfaction for the job well done and admiration for law enforcement's commitment. "I was so impressed because they didn't give up."

"I'm getting some of my material back so this story has a happy ending."