A Flair For the Dramatic -- Edgar Rice Burroughs

- by Carl Burnham

Tarzan Lord of the Jungle.

The first and early editions of his works continue to attract collectors and can vary widely in price, depending on condition. Some have been featured in recent catalogues on Americana Exchange. A first edition, with dustjacket of Tarzan the Terrible in very good condition recently sold on ebay for $999. It would have fetched much higher if it had been in better condition. A rare signed edition will usually attract the highest prices, although a signed first edition (no dustjacket, fair condition) of Tarzan and the Lost Empire was bid up to only $525 on ebay. Early artists of Burroughs book covers are also highly sought after, such as J. Allen St. John and Frank Frazetta, with renditions of athletic heroes and sultry women in exotic lands.

Even 55 years after his death, few authors continue to capture the imagination of readers of all ages quite like Edgar Rice Burroughs.

Carl Burnham can be reached online at www.SouthpointBooks.com