Sawyer Introducing New BookWriter Software

- by Carl Burnham

BookWriter listings

Another important advantage is that, unlike other formats, UIEE is bi-directional. Data can be imported back into the source database and all of the fields are preserved. This is an important consideration, for example, for a bookseller whose hard drive has failed -- they can recover their data simply by downloading it from a listing service. These were all important design objectives and they have paid off.

There is a UIEE update in progress and this will be documented and presented sometime in 2005 (refer to for more information).

How will Bookwriter Professional be unique in addressing bookseller needs from other software available in the marketplace?

In many different ways. BookWriter Professional will be distinctive in the sense that it allows the user a great deal of flexibility, but still provides the total feature set dealers need available to be both competitive and productive. BookWriter Professional is essentially a complete bookselling, business, and compositional environment. I personally believe it is far ahead of any other program of its type, but then again I am too close to it to be objective.

Are there any plans to incorporate features such as dynamic price comparison as is done with software such as SellerEngine?

Yes, this capability has already been included. However, it does not work like Seller Engine, which bases its pricing on Amazon only and assumes that a book is non-collectible without an ISBN. BookWriter Professional provides pricing information across multiple venues for direct comparison purposes. It also has a separate ISBN-lookup capability.

What about for out-of-print books, will there be a method to download information about older books for inclusion in inventory (such as what large libraries are working with Amazon and Google)?

Yes, online lookups can be performed using multiple text-based criteria as well. They are not limited to ISBNs.