Obscure European Works from Garrett Scott, Bookseller

Obscure European Works from Garrett Scott, Bookseller

Item 37 is A Play of the Whole Earth, by Lionel Britton, published in 1930. Since I have not read this play, I will have to rely on Scott's description of the plot line - "A giant brain grows in the Sahara Desert, and soon assumes responsibility for all human consciousness." $100.

Item 104 is a book of proper conduct by Jean Baptiste de La Salle, circa 1820, Les Regles de la Bienseance et de la Civilite Chretienne (rules of Christian decency and civility). Among the rules, as translated by Scott, are "All voluntary movements of the nose, whether with your hand or otherwise is indecent...to carry your fingers into your nostrils is a revolting filthiness." French standards of Christian decency are higher than those in the English-speaking world. $125.

Item 44 is an Album of 36 Artistic Colored Post Cards of Popular Actresses faithfully reproduced from original Photographs... This is a circa 1905 collection of the leading actresses of the day, a stated third edition. Among those depicted is Billie Burke, whose visage remains familiar to this day for her later role as Glinda the Good Witch of the North in the Wizard of Oz. $100.

Garrett Scott, Bookseller may be reached at 734-741-8605 or garrett@bibliophagist.com. His website is www.GSBbooks.com.