Historic Printed and Manuscript Material from Bruce N. Johnson

Historic Printed and Manuscript Material from Bruce N. Johnson

Not everyone believes in separation of church and state. Item 271 is a broadside for the Theocratic Party, whose ticket was headed by Bishop Homer Tomlinson. This broadside was prepared for the 1964 election, but Tomlinson ran several times, all with similarly dismal results. The Theocratic Party was essentially the alter ego of Bishop Tomlinson, who hoped to meld the state with the church. Fortunately, Tomlinson did not let defeat get him down, as the following year he proclaimed himself King of the World. The World did not notice. $18.50.

William Henry Harrison was the first, and next-to last successful Whig candidate for president. Harrison's supporters played up the humble, man-of-the-people image to the hilt. Harrison was "Old Tippecanoe," running on a campaign of "log cabin" and "hard cider." He was hardly so humble as he was portrayed, his father having been a Virginia governor and signer of the Declaration of Independence. Still, the image stuck, and running against an unpopular incumbent, he was swept into office in 1840. A month after inauguration, he lay dead. No one will ever know what kind of a President he would have made. Item 285 is an 1840 election pamphlet headed General William Henry Harrison, Candidate of the People (see image above). The cover shows a younger Harrison in military gear, rather than the 67-year-old edition who ran for office. $750.

Bruce N. Johnson Historic Documents may be reached at 315-652-3118 or bnjbooks@twcny.rr.com.