Old and Rare Books About Books from Frits Knuf Antiquarian Books

Old and Rare Books About Books from Frits Knuf Antiquarian Books

This is not your typical book about books, but it does pertain to libraries: Rapport adresse a M. Le minister De L'Instruction Publique Sur Le Chauffage Des Salles de La Bibliotheque Royale Destinees a l'Etude. Jean-Antoine Letronne's 1840 work pertains to heating of the Royal Library in Paris. It had been newly installed in 1840, which gives you an idea of how comfortable even the best libraries must have been in winter in years prior. Finished just two weeks after heating was installed, the book discusses the heating system and working conditions before and after the addition of warmth. One visitor notes that it will now be like summer all of the time in the library. Item 56. €250 (US $321).

Item 1 is an acrostic advertising broadside for a London stationer and lottery seller circa 1820. For those struggling to recall the meaning of "acrostic," one look at this piece will explain. It's one of those items where the first letter of every line spells out something. In this case, 26 lines form the alphabet, while another series spells out "Pidding," not surprisingly, the name of the shopkeeper. In a particularly artful addition, the last letters of the alphabet and Pidding overlap, so what you see is:

Run to   Pidding's, take your Chance,
So your  Income you'll advance
Try your Doom, and don't despair,
Urge      Dame Fortune, buy a share
Whose   Increase, and vast Amount,
X, oft    Number'd. source will count;
Yonder  Go then, don't you see?
Zounds 'tis plain as A.B.C.

Don't ask me what happened to "V." Maybe they didn't use it back then. Priced at €150 (US $196).

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