Non-European Ethnography from Gert Jan Bestebreurtje

Non-European Ethnography from Gert Jan Bestebreurtje

How many people are thrust into high responsibilities when their father is mauled by a lion? Not many, I'll venture. Well meet the exception, Vivienne de Watteville. She accompanied her father's expedition to Kenya to obtain "wild life" specimens for the Bern Museum. It was there that her father had his unfortunate run-in with a lion. Just 23-years-old, Ms. de Watteville assumed the leadership of the expedition which concluded its mission satisfactorily. Item 696 is her account, L'Appel de l'Afrique. Published in 1936. €35 (US $45).

What is the largest inland city in sub-Saharan Africa? Evidently, it is Ibadan, or at least as of 1967 it was. Probably still is, since it is reported to have a population of 3.8 million. At the time of this book, however, the population was just one million. Population growth is undoubtedly faster then is growth of services needed to support so many people. Ibadan is located in Nigeria, about 75 miles from its better-known capital, Lagos. The book is the The City of Ibadan, by Lloyd, Mabogunje and Awe. Item 406. €55 (US $70). Gert Jan Bestebreurtje Antiquarian Bookseller may be found online at, telephone +31-(0)347-322548. You may download this latest catalogue, number 127, from their website.