New Review Announcement

New Review Announcement

containing one of the earliest American printings of the treaty between the United States and Great Britain ending the Revolutionary War.

It isn’t until lot 73 that we arrive in the 19th century and with it the yet unresolved issues of states rights versus federal rights that would simmer under President Jefferson and remain unresolved into the 20th century. The book that brings us there is “Proceedings of the Virginia Assembly,...” Lot 90 moves us along to 1816 with the Statutes of the Mississippi Territory..., a Natchez imprint. The AED finds only four Natchez imprints for that year, one an Almanac that the Eberstadts offered for $150 in 1964, an eon ago in the world of book pricing. This is a great catalogue and very good material. Visit their web site at

Maggs Bros. Ltd. has released their Catalogue 1332 for the Travel and Voyages field. The storied firm issues excellent catalogues. In this installment there are exactly 100 items spanning both the globe and five centuries. In the Americana field we find a dozen lots. Those who have been waiting for a 1533 Zumarraga have their prayers answered. This book won’t be seen often. Juan de Zumarraga “was the first Bishop of Mexico and the second part of this book contains one of the first letters from the New World by a churchman.” For those wishing to stay north of the Rio Grande there is John Smith’s “The General Historie of Virginia, New=England, and the Summer Isles...” with the first state of the title page (1624). Lot 49 is the first edition of William Kennedy’s Texas: The Rise, Progress, and Prospects of the Republic of Texas (1841). This volume contains 4 maps, one of which is the “highly important and rare” Arrowsmith map of Texas, coloured in outline.

These pieces are simply symptoms of an approach to book selling that Maggs Bros. has maintained since its founding in 1853. Enjoy this catalogue. Visit them online at Visit their shop when you get to London.