Classic Dutch Works from the Antiquariaat Forum

Classic Dutch Works from the Antiquariaat Forum

Item 41 is the first edition of the expanded, folio version of Abraham Munting's Nauwkeurige beschrijving der aardgewassen. This is a magnificently illustrated botanical book, filled with images of various plants, some from as far away as America. The flowers, plants and fruits are frequently shown larger than life, and have been placed in attractive landscapes, though these landscapes did not always accurately reflect the places these plants grew. However, the giant fruits and unusual settings make for a most striking presentation. Munting originally published a smaller version of the work under another title in 1672. He planned to issue this expanded edition, but his death in 1683 intervened. Such an expansion was not published until 1696, after a group of "backers" obtained the illustrations following the death of Munting's son Albert. €37,100 (US $44,639).

Pertinente beschryvinge van Africa is the first and only Dutch edition (1665) of the description of Africa written in the 16th century by former slave Leo Africanus, also known by his Islamic name Hasan bin Muhammed. Africanus was the first African to write such a book, and for a long time provided the only account of parts of the continent available to the West. Africanus was freed by Pope Leo X and commissioned to write this book. Item 2. €3,710 (US $4,464).

The Antiquariaat Forum may be found online at, telephone +31 (0)30 601 1955.