Artistic Books from the Veatchs Arts of the Book

- by Michael Stillman

Artistic Books from the Veatchs Arts of the Book

Here is a miniature alphabet book of role reversals: The World Upside Down Alphabet, published in 1991. This miniature book (2 ¾ x 3 ¼) features the hand-colored etchings of Yaron Livay. Livay founded the book's publisher, Flying Sugar Press, to produce fine printings featuring his art. This miniature is an accordion fold, opening to 82 inches. It contains 30 etchings, though no text. Each letter features an appropriate illustration for the letter, but with the roles reversed. The letter “C” is illustrated by chess pieces, but they move men around a board. The letter “Q” has a windmill that tilts Don Quixote. Item 80. $750.


Item 27 is a tribute, Agnes Miller Parker, Wood-Engraver and Book Illustrator, 1895-1980. Ms. Parker was an artist, but she quickly found her calling as an engraver and illustrator. Her work was featured in many books published in her native England, as well as numerous publications by the Limited Editions Club. Ian Rogerson's 1990 tribute includes essays and bibliographies of her book illustrations and separately published prints. The illustration featured on this page is one of her works. $600.


The Veatchs Arts of the Book can be reached at 413-584-1867 or Their website is