Literature, History and More from Raptis Rare Books

- by Michael Stillman

Literature, History and More from Raptis Rare Books

For those who need to learn to mind their manners, there is no better book of instruction than this one – Etiquette, by Emily Post. This is a 1922 first edition of the bible of good manners. Mrs. Post had written articles on a variety of subjects prior to 1922, but this is the one that caught on with the public. It has been republished continuously since then, updated later by family members to reflect changing times. The requirements of 1922 would undoubtedly seem a bit formal today, but the concept of politeness is still an excellent goal, even if, sadly enough, we may ignore it more now. $3,500.

Here is a play about a couple who would have benefited from reading Ms. Post's book: Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf. This is how not to treat your guests. The barbed relationship of university couple George and Martha, and the young pair who have the misfortune of being their guests, made this a riveting play, no matter how difficult it was to watch unfold. Offered is a first edition from 1962 of Edward Albee's classic. $750.

Here is some much lighter fare: Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel. Oh, Mike and Mary Anne had their troubles too, but they never took it out on each other like George and Martha. They just found a place where an old-fashioned steam shovel would still be welcome and went to work. We won't spoil the ending, but they dug themselves into a hole from out of which they could not climb. This is, of course, a story for children, but one adults have long enjoyed reading to the young. This is a first edition of Virginia Lee Burton's story published in 1939. $6,000.

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