Why Trade Globally?

- by Renee Roberts

The U.S. Department of Commerce could be more helpful, but that does not mean you should not trade globally.

When we realized that things had to be done differently, subsequent set-ups were far less difficult. Our U.K. accountant introduced us to our German firm, whose principals were also the principals in a large bank, and made similar introductions to Canada; and our U.K. bank made the introduction to one of its Canadian branches.

Trading globally has not only opened up our potential customer base, but it has also given us an advantageous position when the U.S. dollar drops in value. When the dollar goes down, our overseas sales go up. I would expect that any of my colleagues who show at large book fairs could also attest to the influx of overseas customers when the dollar is weak.

So the next time you hear about some bookseller being ripped-off by an Indonesian scamster (you know, the typical order for the expensive book, ship it Express please, and here's a stolen credit card), don't give up on global trading. You can trade overseas safely, profitably, and with pleasure.

Renée Magriel Roberts can be reached at renee@roses-books.com.