Alibris To Open UK Site (and Resolve a Longstanding Shipping Problem)

- by Michael Stillman


The only anomaly is that the upcharge will make American owned books shipped to America from Alibris UK more expensive than American owned books shipped to America from regular Alibris. This isn't much of a problem because Americans can continue to buy from Alibris, while Europeans purchase from Alibris UK. That way, all Alibris customers will get the lowest prices possible.

All books offered by Alibris, regardless of where the seller is located, will be posted on both sites, the only difference being each site will accurately reflect the cost of shipping to its destination. Congratulations are in order to Alibris for a clever solution to a vexing problem for British/European sellers and buyers.

Alibris says it will "aggressively market Alibris U.K. in the United Kingdom," using methods similar to those employed in the U.S. They informed us that they are not yet ready to specifically describe what they will do, but should be able to provide more detail in a few months.

The web address (url) for the new Alibris UK will be