Presidential Last Names:  Frequency of Appearance

- by Bruce E. McKinney

Is Johnson the most common presidential name in the AED?

See if you can put them in the correct order.   Results are on page 5.

1. Washington
2. Adams
3. Jefferson
4. Madison
5. Monroe
6. Jackson
7. Van Buren
8. Harrison
9. Tyler
10. Polk
11. Taylor
12. Fillmore
13. Pierce
14. Buchanan
15. Lincoln
16. Johnson
17. Grant
18. Hayes
19. Garfield
20. Arthur
21. Cleveland
22. McKinley
23. Roosevelt
24. Taft
25. Wilson
26. Harding
27. Coolidge
28. Hoover
29. Truman
30. Eisenhower
31. Kennedy
32. Nixon
33. Ford
34. Carter
35. Reagan
36. Bush
37. Clinton
38. Obama